Ultimate Navy Soldier

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Itachi's pov

Dear Itachi ikusaba
Congratulations! You have been selected out of many to attend hope's peak academy under the title of ultimate navy soldier. You will begin in September second. Best of luck.
Jin kirigiri

I read the letter over and over again but I still couldn't believe it. I became a soldier of the navy to help people, to serve my country. I never thought I'd be rewarded for that.

"What's that you're holding honey"  mom asked. I silently handed it to her. She read the letter and a huge smile appeared on her face.

"Mukuro! Our little Itachi's going to hope's peak!"

"Are you serious!?" My other mom ran in. She read the letter and grinned "a soldier just like your mom. I'm so proud of you Itachi"

"I don't know if I want to go" the two of them immediately froze "hope's peak is a big school with a lot of people right? This just seems more stressful than anything else"

"Itachi" mom put her hands on my shoulder "listen to me darling. I know you're not the most social person but hopes peak is a brilliant opportunity. Once you graduate from hopes peak your set for life! You can't give that up because you're scared. Promise me you'll at least try"

I sighed "okay. I'll try"

"Good boy" she leaned in and kissed me forehead "now I'm going to go call your sister and tell her the good news" she ran off. I leaned against the wall with a sigh...

What am I getting myself into?

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