Chapter 26

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Asher's pov

We all ended up falling asleep watching the movie. Me, Cole, and Oli all fell asleep on the couch and the man fell asleep in his recliner. Some noise woke me up and I wasn't sure what it was until I saw the man wasn't in his chair. The suns shining through the windows so it must be morning time and hes getting ready to leave. I wonder why he didn't wake one of us up to fix him breakfast. While Oli was passed out the man woke me up to do it.

"I'm running late for work but once Oli wakes up tell him I need my room cleaned and the laundry done before I get back. Oh also tell him there's another one in the shed. Dont worry about feeding him though I don't plan on keeping him here long." The man says as he fixes his tie and puts his jacket on. Once he's dressed and everything he grabs his suitcase and leaves. Another one? Another kid I'm guessing? That's screwed up! The kids got to be scared out of his mind. Maybe I should go check on him. I glance over at Oli to see if he's awake and when it looks like he's not waking up any time soon I head to the shed grabbing the keys on the way out. Why am I so scared right now? I feel like I'm doing something wrong! I feel like at any second the man's gonna pop out of nowhere asking what I'm doing.

It feels like it's taking me hours just to walk from the house to the shed. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion. At least it's not to hot and not to cold outside. Its really early though. The suns just now coming up causing the sky to be multiple colors. Me and my dad use to wake up early every morning just to go for a walk before I went to school and he went to work. It was kind of our bonding time since every other hour of the day him and my mother both were working. I wonder if we will ever be able to do that again! If I'll ever even be able to see him again. Will we really be stuck here the rest of our life?

Finally I make it to the door of the shed. I'm not sure which key opens which lock so I try all of the keys until I find the right one. I pop the lock off and head inside. The trap door is hardly visible with the pile of wood stacked on top of it. I quickly push the wood out of the way and unlock the lock on it. The door creaks open and the sunlight flows through the hole trying to lighten up the darkness. I get chills just looking down the stairway. I hear crying at the bottom of the stairs. I know the child's got to be frightened to death.

Once I make it to the bottom I can barely make out a small figure huddling in the corner. Just like me and Cole the kids naked and chained up.

"Hey there!" I say gently so I don't scare him. He quickly turns around to face me but tries to back up into the corner even more. It doesn't work though because he's already as far back as possible.

"P-pl-please! I-i w-wanna go h-home!" The kid begs. He can't be more than 9 or 10 years old if he's even that old!

"I know but it's going to be alright." I try to reassure him even though I know it's not going to be alright. The man said that this one won't last long meaning he's going to kill him. Why is the man like this? How can someone be so crazy!? The poor kid is shivering and I can't tell whether it's because he's scared or cold! Maybe even both. I quickly pull of my jacket and slowly hand it to him. He hesitantly takes it and puts it on.

"T-thank you!" He tells me. I can't just let this kid die. There's got to be something I can do to help him. Maybe I could let him go and he can find somewhere or someone and can get help for all of us! The man's gone to work and Oli's asleep so there wouldn't be anyone to stop him for a while. I mean surely there's got to be someone around! Even if it's just some hikers or camper. Someone that could help!

"Look kid I need you to listen really really closely okay!" I bend down to his level and speak very seriously. He nods slowly showing he's listening to me.
"Okay I'm going to let you out of here and I need you to run as fast as you can until you find someone. Once you find someone tell them to call the police and lead the police back here. It's very very important you don't get caught okay?" I continue letting him know how important it is he doesn't get caught.

"O-okay! I-i won't, b-but I'm sc-scared!" He whines.

"You can't be scared you have to be brave if you want to see your parents again! Okay?" I tell him while unlocking the chains around his wrists.

"O-okay! I can b-be brave!" He tries to act tough once he stands up.

"Okay good! Now remember you need to keep running and do NOT get caught and don't stop until you find someone to help you!" I lead him up the stairs and out of the shed and tell him to run. He takes off running into the woods as fast as his little feet will take him. Please please don't let this fail!

"Where have you been?" Oli asks me once I get back inside. It looks like he's fixing breakfast and it smells good!

"Huh? Oh the man told me to double check the shed to make sure it was clean and then I decided just to sit outside for a bit." I easily lie. If I tell him he will send the dogs after the boy and I can't let that happen.

"Oh okay well um Cole's awake I told him to go take a bath." Oli informs me.

"Okay thanks I'm gonna go help him." I say as I hang the keys back on the hook and head upstairs.


After helping Cole get out of the bath and then eating and cleaning up breakfast I help Oli start on the chores. About an hour into me cleaning the kitchen and Oli cleaning in the livingroom there's a knock on the door. I quickly run into the livingroom and me and Oli lock eyes. He seems to know what im thinking!

"Dont be stupid Asher!" He tells me but it's to late I'm already screaming and running for the door. It's got to be the police! The man wouldn't knock and no one else knows about this place!

"Help! You have to help us!" I scream as I rip the door open.

"What's going on here?" A man asks once I open the door.

Could this be our saving grace??

Soooooo that just happened! What do you think? Is this man going to save them????

What are your thoughts on this chapter??

Thank you all for the vote and comments and everything! They literally make my day!!! This book has 800 reads and 100 votes!! That's insane!!! Thank you all so much!!!!

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