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Oikawa frown, thinking hard on which to buy.

Should I buy the chewing toy or a ball?

You see, Oikawa is at the pet store right now. When he receives a message from his boyfriend that he will be reaching home soon with his dog, Oikawa immediately went out to buy something for the dog. He was excited to meet him. He decided to pick the ball so he could play fetch with her. After he was done paying, he doesn't waste any time and walk to iwaizumi's house. When he arrived, he knocks on the door. The door opens after a few minutes and Oikawa excitedly asked,

"Where is she?! I want to see her!" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and step aside, letting him in. Oikawa walked in and looked around. His eyes immediately stop at a small black fluff.

"Oh my god, it's a pomeranian dog!" oikawa excitedly carry her in his arms and sit down on the floor. The dog doesn't seem to mind though, her tail was wagging like crazy and was licking oikawa's face.

"Iwa-chan! Iwa-chan look! She likes me!" Iwaizumi smile and join him at the floor.

"It's strange cause she is very shy with new people. I wonder why she's ok with you so fast… " Iwaizumi said as he pet her.

"That's because I'm amazing! Animals likes me! What's her name iwa-chan?"

"Her name is Ember… my mom named her…"

"That's a nice name for a cute dog…"

"Yah… was about to call her Noir but I guess Ember suits her more…" Oikawa stare at him,



"Why do you look sad…?"

"What? Do I look like that?" Oikawa nod,

"You look sad when you said mom…" Iwaizumi smile and looked down,

"Nothing… I just missed her thats all. She passed away "

"O-oh… Im sorry to hear that…" Ember suddenly jump away from oikawa's arm and walk away somewhere. Oikawa watch him go until he suddenly felt iwaizumi grab his hands. He turn and looked at iwaizumi confused,


"I… I have to admit that I'll be very depressed if you leave me… "

"Leave? You mean break up? Why would you think that?" Iwaizumi shrugged,

"I've dated a couple of girls when I was young… It didn't end well at all… each of them break up with me without telling me why. I had enough and promised myself not to love or date anyone… but here I am" Iwaizumi smile. Oikawa stared at him,

"Iwa-chan… are you bothered that I'm a boy?"

"Why do you asked?"

"Cause you're not gay… you love short and cute girls… Im the opposite… Hey iwa-chan, why did you fall in love with me?" Iwaizumi looked down,

"It's true I was straight. I wasn't interested in guys but that day when you talk about me to your ex, something inside me change. I felt… happy… I suddenly have the urge to kiss you on that day… " Iwaizumi lean closer towards him,

"and I did… " he whisper, staring at oikawa's chocolate brown eyes. Oikawa blush,

"You… want to do it again don't you…?" Iwaizumi smile, now staring at his plump lips.

"May I…? " Oikawa gulp, slowly wrapping his arms around iwaizumi's neck,

"You may…" and with that, iwaizumi kissed him. Wrapping his arms around oikawa's waist while the other behind his head. Bringing him to sit on his lap. Iwaizumi started to get a little rough by licking and slightly biting his lips. Oikawa open his mouth slightly, letting iwaizumi's tongue went it. They were tongue kissing for the first time. Iwaizumi felt slightly excited when he hear oikawa moan. After awhile, they slowly pull away, panting. Iwaizumi then give a light kissed on oikawa's neck,

"I-Iwa-chan! Don't tell me y-you wanna do It ?!" Oikawa blush, feeling iwaizumi grind himself on his butt.

"Why…? We can't…?" Oikawa gulp,

"Its morning though…"


"T-this kind of stuff should be doing at night…" Iwaizumi let out sigh of frustration.

"Do you really think I can wait?"

"B-but Im not ready… " oikawa looked at him in a slight fear. Iwaizumi eyes soften and hugged him, nuzzling his face against his neck.

"Kay Im sorry… You're just too cute…" Oikawa blush. Iwaizumi slowly pull away and gently move oikawa off of his lap.

"Imma gonna handle this problem in the toilet" iwaizumi said. Oikawa gulp and nod, watching iwaizumi walked away to the toilet. Oikawa lie down on the floor as he covered his face with his hands, feeling his heart beating fast.


"Hi kiyoko!" Suga greeted his long time friend as soon as he went in her cafe.

"Suga-san! Oh my gosh, Im happy that you came!"

"Well, I promised we'll meet again! " sugawara looked around,

"Wow this cafe of yours is amazing!" Kiyoko smile and walk to the entrance and turn the sign to close.

"Im glad I asked you to come on the time my cafe close. Im sorry if its late for you…" sugawara laugh,

"Don't worry! I had a boyfriend to fetch me with his car" kiyoko nod,

"Come sit! I'll go make a coffee for you"

"Oh you don't have to do that"

"I insist. So? Did I miss anything so far in your life?" Suga giggle and looked down,

"Well… first off… I adopted a child. He is a boy and his name is hinata" kiyoko stop for awhile and looked at him,

"You had a child now?" Suga nod,

"I didn't expect you said that but congrats! Im happy for you! Did your boyfriend accept him?"

"Yup! Im glad they like eachother"

"When you guys gonna have a wedding,  make sure to invite me " suga blush,


"Don't you want to marry your love one?" Suga shyly nod,

"I guess I do… what about you kiyoko? Did I miss anything?" Kiyoko laugh and walked towards him with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Well, since we're talking about love ones, I wanted to tell you that I had a girlfriend. Her name is yachi. That day where we met at collage? I was actually waiting for her"

"Oh she goes to the same collage as I am?"

"I guess so. Anyways, where is your son now?"

"Oh he is with my boyfriend. Having fun at a mall nearby here"

"Thats nice… do you feel complete?"

"Yes… Yes I do… " they talked alot until it was already late night. Suga wave kiyoko goodbye and called daichi that he can finally take him. The car arrived and suga went it.

"Hows your date with your friend?" Suga laugh,

"Its fun" suga glance behind him to see hinata sleeping, with an unfamiliar teddy bear in his arms.

"I bought it for him when we were walking around the mall. He loves it" suga smile and kissed Daichi's cheek,

"Let's go home" Daichi nod and started driving. Suga looked out the window and smile.

A complete family

[Authors note: Imma update 2 chapters cause I'll be gone for like 3 days.


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