Chapter Seven

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I'm so sorry for the REALLY REALLY LATE UPDATE! I sort of lost all motivation and whenever I tried writing it all flopped, BUT I'M BACK NOW! I'm going to try to upload at least once a month! Don't hate me if I can't hold my word to that. 

Also yes I know I didn't upload another chapter to LTLM, I decided to stop publishing the chapters at the same time cause it would be easier for me to keep up with one story instead of two at the same time. 

I HOPE you like this chapter as much as I liked writing it, I even shed a tear. 

- Mel 

I didn't feel bad. 

I thought I would've felt some sort of remorse but I didn't. Kicking Nick out was the best thing I had done in a while. It was days since I had kicked him out, but if anything I felt relieved that he was gone. 

He was the one thing that was keeping me from finally being free. 

I couldn't keep myself from thinking about my family. Maybe I shouldn't have left, they did seem pretty heartbroken by me leaving. I didn't really think they would feel anything but relief. 

I shook my head with a scoff while I rummaged through what was left of Nick's things when I realised I had forgotten something. I had forgotten to take the spare key I gave to Elijah back. He could give them to either one of my dads and they could come in the middle of the night and scare the living hell out of me. 

I grabbed my phone and keys before heading out of my now home. I was going to try and sneak onto the pack lands without being seen, which in my mind was supposed to be fairly easy. 

I was wrong. 

Because the moment I even stepped foot onto the pack lands an ear-killing screech ran through the woods causing me to freeze and cover my ears with my hands. 

Of course, they had turned the alarms on. 

"Ace?" I heard someone ask which made me roll my eyes, I recognized the voice. It was my dear brother, Eden. I turned around to face him, his tear streaked face made me frown. I hadn't expected him to still be crying about me not being home. 

I didn't say anything, just stared at him. He still wore the same shirt that he had on when we fought. He opened his mouth but nothing came out, it was as if he was at a loss for words. Like he wasn't expecting to ever see me again, which was highly possible as well. 

"I didn't... I thought you weren't coming back." He said which made me scoff, I didn't come back. I get why he'd think that, but I didn't have any of my bags with me. 

"I'm not coming back, I just wanted the spare key from Elijah." I said, walking past him. Eden grabbed my arm, spinning me back around to face him. I glared at him, slightly surprised that he even grabbed me in the first place. He opened his mouth to say something but before he was able to I pushed him away from me. 

I turned back around and kept walking towards Elijah's house. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard what sounded like muffled cries. I glanced over my shoulder at Eden, he was crying. Again. 

"Please Ace! Come back, we miss you so much! I miss our banters, and small fights. Dad misses you! Pops misses-" 

"No! You do not get to fucking say that. No one fucking misses me. You know why? Because they don't love me. They never have and never will, at least not as much as they love you." I snapped, shocking Eden. He wasn't crying anymore, but his eyes were filled with tears. 

"That-s not true! They love you! I love you-" 

"You're a fucking experiment Eden! You were made in a fucking lab! You're the son that they wanted but they got me instead! If Pops hadn't found me in the woods the day he did I would probably be dead! But I wasn't what they wanted, I wasn't the amazing kid that had all of their genetics! Do you know how miserable life is when you're trying to fight for your parents' love while they just ignore you as if you were some sort of living plaque?! The only reason you're even here right now is because of me, because I wanted a baby brother who I could play with, grow up with, spend time with! but instead I got a wimpy little baby who needs his parents' praises and love to become a man! You are nothing! You wouldn't even be here right now if it weren't for me! You ruined everything for me! You hated me from the beginning! You ruined everything from the beginning! Pops was with me the first time I shifted, he was with me the moment I lost my first tooth, he found me when he was still in school! And then because of me they had you, because his father is friends with a god who can make people. That's the only reason you're a live right now." I seethed, not letting Eden talk. 

Now everything was out in the open, but I was nowhere near finished. 

"You look exactly like them while I look nothing like them. Do you know how jealous I was of you when I first saw you? That you looked so much alike them while I was the black sheep? I've always been the black sheep of the family, the only thing I have in common with any of you is the anger issues. That's the only thing. I don't love like you guys do, I don't care like you do, I'm different from all of you. The only person I felt a little connected to was Pops, his dad is a God, his parents weren't his real parents, when I met him it was the best thing in the world. I finally had someone who I had something in common with. But then you came and ruined everything. You took the one person I had something in common with away from me, and I didn't stop you either. So maybe it's my fault. I should've left the moment you came into our life, it would've been so much easier on all of us." 

He was crying, I wasn't really surprised. What did surprise me was that I didn't expect Eden to be this much of a crier. Well maybe I should've expected it, since I literally just yelled at him.

Me and Eden have always had a rocky relationship, ever since Eden's birth, or should I say creation. He was created out of both of our parents' DNA, while I was basically just a stranger they found out in the woods one day. 

I was the outcast of the family. 

"You threw me to the wolves the moment you were born, and you didn't even feel sorry for it, did you Eden?" 

"You threw me to the wolves the moment you were born, and you didn't even feel sorry for it, did you Eden?" 

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