Relaxation-ch 8

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Usnavi pulled away from the kiss quickly.

"Let me get dressed, I'll help you with groceries in a second."

"A-I- yeah ok." She stuttered getting up.
She began to put away groceries and he came out to help her. They bumped into each other as she was walking out of the pantry and he was walking in. They just looked at each other.
He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled before walking around her.

"Fuck" she mumbled under her breath.


She placed a carrot on the cutting board and got knife out to start cutting. Usnavi wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind to stop her.

"Why don't we just order a pizza and cuddle on the couch for tonight." He whispered into her ear.

"Did you ever eat anything healthy before me?"

"Look I can't cook ok." He laughed. "Just, relax for a night. Go sit on the couch, I'll pour you a glass of wine." He promised, kissing her ear and going down to her neck gently.


"Vanessa, my love." He started again.

"Fine." She wiggled loose from his arms and sat on the couch.
He came again with two wine glasses, and sat next to her pulling her into his arms.

"Jesus do you even know how to relax? You can drop your shoulders, unclench your jaw, it's just me." He whispered.
She did as told, immediately feeling better, but feeling like she could be doing something more important.

"I left the carrots on the-"

"I put them away."
She sighed deeply and let herself relax into his embrace.

"Hand me a glass, would you?" She asked, implying the wine he poured. He handed her her glass, and she sipped it with closed eyes.

"See? It's nice to relax, Vanessa. You can't just work work work non-stop. You have to take a break." He looked at his phone on the table in front of them and picked it up. "Music?"

"I don't want to listen to shitty rap on my down time."

"Good, old music. The kind our parents used to rave about?"

"That I'm ok with." She replied, putting her glass down and nuzzling into him.
The wall album from Pink Floyd played from his phone, relaxing her even more.
They sat there for hours, just laying on the terrible couch together, enjoying each other's presence.
Of course, they were wine drunk, having drank almost every single bottle in the dorm, which is a lot.
One thing led to another, and before they knew it it was 12:30.

"I'm to drunk to get uppp" Vanessa whined.

"Can we just sleep here tonight?" Usnavi asked, nuzzling into Vanessa's neck and smelling her perfume.



"Vanessa! Wake up bitch, it's 10:17! We're gonna be late for yoga- ohhhh." Eliza screamed as her, Angelica, Nina, and Peggy (I'm sorry I had to-) burst into Vanessa's dorm.
Vanessa rolled off the couch and hit her head on the coffee table, knocking over an empty bottle of wine.

"It's so early and I'm so hungover just go without me." She mumbled, rubbing her head.

"No. It's 10 o'clock, get your ass up, we're going to yoga class." Peggy said pulling her off the ground.

"Please just-"

"Nope. You're already in leggings and a t-shirt, put your damn flip flops on, grab your mat. Let's. Go." Angelica repeated as Nina shoved Vanessa towards the door.

"Pray for me!" Vanessa cried as she was practically thrown out the door.

"I'm going back to sleep!"


Vanessa and the girls walked out of yoga class, Vanessa still with a raging hangover.
The girls noticed, and one of them spoke up.

"Jesus Christ Vanessa, how much did you drink last night? You are so tired and out of it, plus we found you asleep cuddling with Usnavi 'fuck boy' de la Vega." Nina pointed out. Peggy wiggled her eyebrows, knowing, what Vanessa considered, her deepest, darkest secret.

"A lot, Nina. A lot."

"How much is a lot? That isn't good for you." Angelica asked, her big sister mode kicking in.

"Like... I think we shared six or seven bottle of wine, and a little tequila." Vanessa responded.

"Dammmmn." Peggy said. "You got hammered as shit, bro."

"Yeah, I know."


"I'm home!" Vanessa yelled as she got back to her dorm, holding an iced coffee in her hand.

"Hey." Usnavi called back out to her. "You hungover? Because I know I sure am."

"Extremely. Angelica's big sister instincts are so pissed at me." Vanessa laughed.

"Come sit down. I have decided that we are dedicating this week to making you relax. What movie do you want to watch?" Usnavi asked, patted the seat next to him on the couch.

"Navi, I'm fine. Really."

"No. Sit your ass down. Pick a movie. We can watch whatever you want." He said pulling her down by the waist. She made her big eyes bigger, in a whiny way.

"Even heathers?" She asked, holding back a devilish smirk. He wanted to argue to the thought of that movie, but he did say whatever she wanted. He let out a long sigh before answering, giving her exactly what she wanted.

"Even heathers." He deadpanned at her.

"Yay." She tucked herself into his side and pulled a blanket around the two of them.
The movie played, and the day was perfect.

A/n no nothing sinister is going to happen

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