thank you

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usually, i finish my stories before posting them. i had half of it written when i started posting but i had writer's block and suddenly, i was behind. it was hard keeping up with the schedule sometimes but i managed - now that it's over, i'm kind of sad.

i don't think i'll be keeping up with this format where i set myself a deadline. the story would've probably been a whole lot different if i've had more time to think about the individual chapters and how they came together. but you must know that i'm never content with what i write, no matter how much ideas or time i've got. so let me say that i'm surprised how smoothly it all went down. every time i thought i could just stop writing and no one would give a damn, one of you reached out and said how much they enjoyed the story - and let me tell you, i really needed that validation.

i started writing the story way back in high school but neglected it. when the pandemic happened, i suddenly had a lot of time on my hands and came back to it.

i studied in mexico last year and i felt more comfortable writing sofia now. i have mexican and mexican-american friends whose experiences found their way into the story, but i'm still open to criticism. if you're hispanic/latinx/latine and feel misrepresented in any way, please let me know.

i hope you enjoyed this fluffy wlw high school drama. i mean, they're both alive in the end, that's - that's good for a lesbian love story, right? 

with lots of love,


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