12|| Poem

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A/N: Here's chapter 12. Enjoy, people.

"I got your message," Iris said breathlessly, screeching to a halt in front of Jax, "what's wrong?"

Jax took a deep breath and looked at her seriously. "Do you think this shirt washes me out?"

"Jaxton Collins I swear–"

"I'm joking!" He glanced around and then dragged her into the boys' toilets.

"Hey, I don't think I'm allowed to be here–"

"Out!" Jax barked at a small boy who was washing his hands. The child glanced at him, then at Iris, and ran out of there as if there was a fireball chasing him.

"Jax, what's going on?"

He took a deep breath and crinkled his nose, gagging at the stench of bleach and other suspicious things he really didn't want to think about. "I got a text–"

"Wait, first, how's Tracy?"

"She's fine, it was a minor issue with a creepy landlord. Harry sorted it out with– stop trying to change the subject! I've forgotten what I was going to say."


"Right! So, I got a text from an unknown number and I think you should see it." He held up his phone.

Iris took the device and her brows furrowed as she read out the message. "Roses are red, violets are blue. Watch your back, I'm coming for you."

Jax looked at her gravely. "Who else do we know that has shitty rhyming skills?"

Iris's expression collapsed into despair like a crumpled newspaper. "Aw no! It can't be him... Didn't we kill him last year?"

"Yeah, but we thought you killed Alex and, well, we know how that turned out."

"You know about Alex?"

"Obviously! We bumped into each other and, after my initial anger had passed, we made plans to catch up."

"Oh." Iris forced her tone to remain light and airy, digging her nails harshly into the fleshy pad of her palms.

Even while growing up, she had sometimes felt on the sidelines of Jax and Alex's friendship- looking in, rather than being part of the group. Granted, on this occasion, she couldn't expect things to go back to normal, but an ugly feeling settled in the pit of her stomach- one she desperately tried to wish away.

Unfortunately, Jax was denser than two planks of wood stuck together and too focused on getting his question out to notice her dip in mood. "Yeah, actually, we were wondering if– "

"Sorry, but can we end this quickly? I have to get to my next lesson. Plus, I have plans with someone after school that I need to... discuss with." Just stop talking!

"Oh, really? With who?" Jax tried to keep his voice light and airy, crumpling up the movie ticket in his pocket that he was about to give Iris.

"Oh, just an old friend..." Iris, you idiot, keep your mouth SHUT. "Anyways, what do we do about the text?"

Jax's mind worked furiously. Old friend? What old friend? I thought we had the same old friends? With tremendous willpower, he managed to tear his thoughts away from the devastating tangent and tried to ignore the distance he felt growing between him and Iris.

"I-uh... I guess we do what we always do- prepare to run." Jax shrugged.

The door swung open and a boy stepped through, then froze. He glanced between Jax, then Iris, and repeated this motion several times. He then slowly stepped back and turned on his heels. "I'll just find another toilet."

Iris locked eyes with Jax and spluttering laughter pushed past her lips. Her laugh was infectious, and soon Jax was joining in, their voices rose and fell like some twisted version of joy. If anyone else had heard them, they would have probably called an asylum.

The situation itself wasn't funny, but they needed an outlet of emotions based on how crazy the last life-changing weeks they had, and fake happiness seemed the best way to do so.

"On a more serious note," Jax chuckled, washing away the last traces of humour, "how are you coping here? Everything good?"

Iris chewed the dead skin around her nails and shrugged. "I don't know... you know how it starts- first I'm alright, then I hate it. I don't know if the West-Browns will let me quit though."

Keeping her safe wasn't the only reason Harry pulled Iris out of school. When she was around eight years old, Harry and Elise noticed that Iris was struggling in school. They were initially confused as Iris didn't seem to be struggling academically at home, but still consistently got low grades and terrible report cards at school.

Finally, after a serious conversation, Iris broke down and admitted she hated school. She felt conformed to the strict schedule and rigorous testing that caused her mind to crumble under the pressure.

"I'm a failure," Iris had sobbed, bringing her knees to her chest and tightly wrapping her arms around them. She sunk into the comfort of her mother's arms, unable to bear seeing, what she was sure would be, disappointment on Harry's face.

"No, you're not," Harry cooed, gently tugging the girl into his warm embrace and ignoring Elise's withering glare. "Just because some people aren't meant for school, doesn't mean they aren't meant for life."

Elise glanced at Harry, an amused smile tugging on her lips. "Did you read that off a Pinterest board?"

"Shut up, Ellison."

"Ooh how scary, DeLano. But Harry is right, little phoenix. We can arrange for private tutors at home- I can always pick up a few extra shifts–"

"Over my dead body," Harry growled. "You're already working yourself to the bone, Elise. I'll pay for it- and I won't hear any excuses! Consider this an investment that I know will pay off in the future."

Their judgement had been right on this account and Iris bloomed under the guide of the very best teachers Harry could afford. But Iris had a feeling the West-Browns wouldn't be so sympathetic.

"Yeah... but surely they would understand? Y'know, especially after what happened to Aunt Elise." Jax choked up on her name and a heavy silence slammed down on the duo.

No, I can't think about that now. Iris grabbed those unwanted emotions and bottled it in a tight box, wrapped a thick metal chain around it and imagined shoving it in the deepest, darkest corners of her mind.

Tentatively, Jax spoke. "Do you want to talk about it–?"

"No. Yes... I don't know, maybe?" Iris glanced at her surroundings and an amused smile quirked her lips. "Certainly not in the boys' bathroom."

The door banged open.

"What are you doing here?!"

Oh shit. Iris thought, eyes widening like a deer caught in a pair of headlights. I know that voice.


I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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