16|| Hate

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AN: here's chapter 16. Enjoy, people.

"Fighting? You were fighting? And at an illegal arena too!"

"It wasn't illegal," Iris explained calmly for what felt like the tenth time, wincing as she shifted to a more comfortable position. "My friend set me up and his family is very legal...sorta. I was bored waiting for your sons to finish."

David's face turned an ugly shade of purple and a vein throbbed dangerously on his forehead. "They're- they're your brothers! You have to wait for them!"

Iris's eyebrows shot up. "They're not my brothers and I don't have to do shit for anyone."


"Oh fuck off."

"Um, excuse me?" One of the West-Brown workers jumped in, nervously eyeing the stare off between the two most stubborn people on the planet. "Can we- can we go now that Iris has been found?"

Unfortunately for those that worked in the mansion, Lisa was away scouting for leads and there was no one to cool the flames of ire raging in the household.

"Yes, yes." David waved his hand dismissively and the entourage nearly tripped over themselves in a desperate attempt to get away. "I can't- I can't believe you would do this, Iris!"

"Well believe it." Iris sighed and stood, adjusting her jacket so it fit more snugly around her shoulders. "Can I trust this issue will remain between us, Mr. West-Brown? I do not want to trouble my dad."

"Why are you being so formal with me? I'm your real father."

"Did you not hear what I just said?" she snapped, whirling around with a blazing inferno of anger nearly consuming her whole. "You're not my father- you died to me when you threw my mother out on the streets and let us starve. My real father is the one who took us in and raised me for ten years."

"That's- that's not fair."

"Oh isn't it? Did you not throw us out ten years ago? Did you not keep a silence between us all this while- not even a call, message, or even a note?"


"You have no excuse," Iris growled, her fury peaked and her vision was painted with red. "Now answer the question- can I trust this stays between us, West-Brown?"

David recoiled as if Iris was the one who plunged the blade into his back. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a harsh bark of laughter, collapsing into his chair like his legs couldn't hold his weight. "I've already called DeLano for a talk and told him about the situation before the DeLesco-DeLaCruzes brought you over."

"No." Iris drew out the syllable and flopped in her chair, burying her face in her hands. "Why would you do that? We could have talked it out. We would have reached an agreement."

"As much as I hate to admit it, DeLano is one of your legal guardians and, as per the contract, he has to be alerted to your misdemeanours."

Iris snorted and raised her head. "I didn't know you were such a stickler for the rules, West-Brown?"

"I'm not, unless it concerns my children."

"For the last time, I am not your–"

The door burst open and Iris was on her feet in an instance, a blade drawn. David pulled out his own gun, gaze briefly rested on the knife with a small frown marring his usually calculating expression.

"Now, now, is that how you treat your father?"

"Dad!" Iris bounded over and threw her arms around him, perhaps exaggerating how much she had missed him in order to avoid a punishment.

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