26|| Shoot

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A/N: Here's chapter 26. Enjoy, people.

"Fiona? Where're you goin'?" A harsh, male voice called.

"I think I heard voices up here!"

The floorboards creaked outside the door and a shadow blocked the thin bar of light underneath it. Iris held her breath, gripping onto Alex and slowly pulling him back. A thunderous noise rang in her ears like the stamping of a hundred elephants- is that my heartbeat or his?

"Have you been skipping your meds again?"

"Shut up, Derrick. I know what I heard this time."

The handle creaked and the sliver of light grew into a beam. Alex pulled Iris closer and turned them both away, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Last week you thought you heard a beaver— oh! Come back, your favourite bit is on now!"

"Ooh really?" Fiona turned and her elated voice got quieter as the door clicked shut.

Iris let out a relieved sigh and pushed Alex away like he was made of acid. "We need to get going."

"Hey." Alex gripped her sleeve. "We need to talk sometime. About this. Everything."

For a moment- the smallest, most infinitesimal moment- Iris considered saying yes. Her heart was twisted like a pretzel and gave a joyous thud at the thought of having him back again- her best friend back again.

Then it passed and all she could remember was his betrayal, the sting of which hadn't faded after a year. Her face collapsed into a cold mask. "We have nothing to talk about."

Without looking back, Iris crept onto the landing. Fortunately, the raucous laughter and boisterous noise from the television hid the creak her steps made as she crept down the stairs, hugging as close as possible to the railing. She could hear her pulse throbbing in her ears- so loud she wondered if Fiona and Derrick could hear it.  

Alex followed behind, a hand outstretched as of prepared to pull- or push- her at the slightest danger. But his mind was still stuck in that room- at her harsh words and blank stare, like he was a stranger and not a close friend.

Finally, the duo made it to the door. It was locked with the usual deadbolt and chain, which gave a loud clunk when pulled out.

"Three, two, one!" Iris yanked the door open, wincing as the abhorrent groan it made, and sprinted into the hallway, hearing it close shut on Derrick's frantic shouts.

She pushed the cheap, plastic doors of the building and ran down the million flight of stairs, a breathy laugh pushing past her lips as she jumped the last three steps.

"Can't believe we pulled that off!" Alex chuckled, a twinkle in his warm, brown eyes.

"Can't believe your stupid plan worked." Iris cleared her throat and pulled out her gun with a solemn expression. "Now shut up and don't get in my way."

He saluted. "Yes Ma'am!"

Iris shoved her shoulder against the building doors, coughing as she stepped on the welcome mat and dust engulfed her in a thick cloud. Blinking back tears, she stepped out into the freezing night air.

Most of the buildings were made of dark brick with graffiti scrawled on the sides- likely the artwork of a bored delinquent- but a few managed to have an ashen-grey appearance that could have passed for white in the daytime. There were very few intact windows, and a single street lamp flickered and illumined only a small patch of dull pavement with an orange glow.

Iris leaned against a building and kicked her leg out, sliding down the wall with a soft thump. She pulled her hood up and shielded her face from the light, slowing her breathing as she observed the trickle of people slipping into this sordid part of town.

Rubbing her hands together, she thought back to the note- the woman in blue with the stupid slogan on her shirt. Or something like that. She really shouldn't have destroyed the note.

"What are we doing?"

Iris nearly jumped out of her skin as Alex's breath warmed her cheeks and she leaned away, regretting making eye contact with him. It made it so much harder to be mad at him when he looked at her like that. Like he was the one who hurt. Like she was the one who walked away and broke their friendship.

"I'm waiting."

"For the same person as I am?"

Iris side-eyed him. "That depends."

"Are you here for—"

"Shh!" Iris clamped her hand over his mouth as footsteps thudded around the corner. "Someone's here."

Two people came around the corner. For a second, Iris thought the one on the right Jax, but a closer inspection revealed he was much older, Korean, and his fiery red hair had an unnatural sheen- as if it had not been dyed properly. His arm was loosely linked with the woman by his side, whose face was hidden by a thick, blue hood and she had jammed her hands in front her pocket.

Iris squinted at the cursive on the front. Live, love, laugh.


Alex cleared his throat. "So, I was thinking—"

Faster than he could blink, Iris pushed herself off the wall and skidded to a stop in front of the duo, hands splayed in surrender. "Excuse me, I was wondering if—"

She didn't get much further as the man swung his fist at her face.

How rude. Iris thought, barely managing to avoid the sloppy punch. "Look, I just want to talk to—"

"Leave us alone!" The man roared, turning around with surprising agility for someone of his muscular size. "Haven't you taken enough from us?"

Iris frowned, stepping back again to avoid is barrel charge. "What are you talking— ah!"

Too focused on the man, Iris didn't notice his companion sneak behind her and pull her hood down. She turned, arms raised and—


The girl's eyes widened and she stopped short. "Iris?" Her gaze slid over to her friend and and put herself between him and Iris. "Hey! Wait! I know her- she's not here to harm us."

His eyes narrowed. "How do you know?"

"Well." Iris shrugged and casually brushed her fingers against her gun, the metal cooled her flushed skin and made her feel more at ease. "It depends on what you're going to give me. Do you know who murdered Elise Ellison?"

Mia flinched and backed away. "You're her daughter."

"I am."

"You look so much like her. Except for your eyes—"

"Tell me what I want to know." Iris through, her voice as hard as a freshly-cut diamond. "Then you and your friend can walk away from this."

"Mi Cha, I don't think we can trust this girl." The man finally spoke with a glare. "I'll hold her back while you run."

"Eun-Woo, don't worry." Mia raised her right arm. "She won't hurt us- I know her from school. I think- I think I can tell her—"

Eun-Woo spoke in rapid-fire Korean with wild gesticulations while Mia remained more calm and composed. Iris hoped that she was trying to convince him- she really didn't want to have to beat up a new friend again.

"Fine!" Eun-Woo threw up his hands with a thunderous scowl. "But don't blame me when this ends badly!"

Mia's lips curved up in a smile. "Thank you. Iris, on the day your mother died I—"

"I'm going to have to stop you right there."

Iris's heart plummeted as a low voice drawled from the shadows and Alex stepped out with a gun and a lazy smile. No. Not again.

"Sorry, Rainbow, but my employer won't like it if the girl lives. I do hope you'll be able to forgive me for this, or I might have to kill you too."


I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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