5|| Anything

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A/N: Here's chapter 5. Enjoy, people

How is one supposed act when someone gives you news you already knew?

"Oh." Iris, master of eloquence, managed to say. Hearing the news outloud made it more real. She forced her lips to twist and part while a shocked gasp pushed through. Briefly, she wondered if she should squeeze a few tears out.

Lisa's eyes narrowed, her sharp gaze seeing something much deeper than the superficial reaction. But David nodded gravely and repeated his words from earlier, desperately trying to drive the thought home.

"How does the circumstances of my mother's death have anything to do with me staying here?" Iris's voice was calm and did not betray the swirling storm inside.

"We can help you." Elijah piped up, "Everything we have, all our resources, will be at your disposal. We will help you find who murdered Elise."

Iris chewed on her bottom lip thoughtfully. The idea was much more appealing than she would have liked to admit. While Harry had considerable wealth and power, it was almost nothing compared to the influence of the West-Browns.

Iris knew that she could find her mother's killer without the help of her old family, but that could take years- time she could not afford to lose.

"What do you think?" Iris finally asked, turning to Harry.

His green eyes softened and the ghost of a sad smile touched his lips. "I think you should do what you want."

'Yeah, great, thanks for that,' Iris thought in annoyance, 'but I need answers, not more options.'

"Fine." Iris exhaled deeply, not missing the way her brothers' eyes lit up. "I'll stay."

"Excellent," David clapped his hands together and continued in a business-like tone, "I will enroll you in the same school as your brothers-"

"No. I will not go to school." Iris interrupted, satisfaction bubbling inside of her at everyone's shocked faces.

"You have to go to school." Brandon attempted to reason, "It's very important-"

"What I think Iris is trying to say," Harry cut in, pride oozing out of each syllable in his next words, "is that she doesn't need to go to school. She completed all the exams and everything about six months ago."

Gleefully, Iris took a mental snapshot of the family's stunned expression. Once she and her mother had been taken under Harry's wing, Iris had been homeschooled by the best teachers Harry could afford. He had offered to send her to school later on, but she enjoyed the freedom staying at home gave her and refused.

It was only a few months ago that she was forced to go because, as Harry had put it, he could not send his 'daughter into the real world without properly equipping her with social skills'. Furthermore, it got too dangerous to stay at home.

While Iris did not entirely hate the cruel and oppressive education system, she would definitely not go there if she had a choice.

"That's impossible!" Damien spluttered, shaking his head frantically. Iris was worried the poor hedgehog on his head would flung across the room. "She can't have finished school!"

"She's my daughter," Harry said smugly, ignoring David's scathing glare, "She can do anything."

Lisa observed the scene and took in the defensive stance of both Iris and Harry. She knew the more her husband and sons pressed Iris to do something, the less likely it would be that she would do it.

So Lisa played from a different angle. "But surely, Iris, you would get bored from staying at home all the time?"

"No. I'll have my books to keep me company."

Will nodded approvingly.

'Okay, onto Plan B.' Lisa thought. Her years of dealing with Will had taught her how to convince introverts.

"If you stay inside all the time, it could hinder the investigation into your mother's death. See, at school, you could strike connections with influential people."

As much as Iris hated to admit it, Lisa had a point. School was a ground for mindless baboons who could easily be swindled and swerved into any direction if someone had the skills. Iris had years of manipulation under her belt, and knew this would not be too hard.

"Fine." Iris growled out, resting a hand on her black suitcase. "I accept."

"Wonderful." Lisa smiled, despite the glower she got in return. "I'm sure you and Mr. DeLano have much to discuss, so we will give you some privacy."

"We will?" David asked, confused.

"We will." Lisa said firmly, practically herding the boys into the kitchen and ignoring their protests.

"Be careful of that one." Harry murmured as the door clicked shut, "She seems to be the smart one."

"I will." Iris allowed her mask to drop and tiredly rubbed her fingers against her temple, "Today has been a lot. I'm sorry we won't be getting that ice cream later on."

He shrugged. "It's fine. I'll tell Jax the situation- I'm sure he'll understand."

"This might be the easiest family I've had to trick." Iris laughed, settling back into a familiar rhythm. "Just need to bat my eyelashes and act distraught for, what, six months? And I can solve Mum's murder as well. Easy."

"I dunno, Red." Harry cast a glance at the closed door. "Something tells me this is gonna be a lot harder than usual."


Shorter chapter than usual but things will pick up soon!

Thoughts on the story so far?

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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