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With some baggy jeans on, and my hair throwing up in a messy ponytail, I'm ready to go paint the church for hours on end. I still can't believe Harry offered to help me. He doesn't even know me all that well, yet he still so nice and caring. It's nice to have friends around now.
I text Harry that I'm going to pick him up and grab my bag and the keys to my car before walking out the front door. The cold air and rain hits my skin as I sprint towards my car. I really really really hate winter. The only thing that makes it worth it, is Christmas.
My phone starts blowing up again, so I put it on silent. After Harry tagged me in those photos on his photography profile last night I haven't stopped getting notification after notification, luckily my profile is on private. I don't know how the boys handle having so many people constantly messaging them and liking their photos, I feel like my privacy has been invaded and I'm not even accepting follow requests.
I get to the Twins's house, and pull out my phone to text Harry that I am here. I roll my eyes when I see a hooded boy walking out of the house but as soon as he turns his head I see it's not Harry, but Tom. He jogs over opening my car door, and getting inside.
"What are you doing? I'm not here for you, I'm here for Harry." I say.
"Yeah about that... Harry woke up puking, so he sending me." He says.
"Oh no I hope he's okay!"
"Yeah he's good just needs to stay in." He says.
I really can't even figure out how Harry managed to convince Tom to help me at the church today. It just doesn't seem like something Tom would do.
I pull the car out onto the road, and Tom noticeably gets nervous as I drive. I look over to him seeing his hands grip at the car door beside him and at the seat below him.
"Is everything okay?" I ask.
"Yeah it's fine. Why?" He shakes his head.
"You seem a bit on edge. It's okay if something is wrong, you can tell me." I encourage.
"Yeah somethings wrong, I'm going to a church while a little bit stoned." He laughs.
"Tom it's nine in the morning!" I exclaim.
"it's never too early for the devils lettuce, Eliana" he jokes and I roll my eyes.
"Why are you helping me anyways? Isn't this like... Completely against your bad boy reputation?" I laugh.
"First of all I don't have a bad boy rep. Second of all, church girls are kind of my thing." He teases.
"You're disgusting." I state, and we get to the church.
We walk through the doors, and my mum walks towards us happily.
"Good morning you two- oh. You're not the boy I met yesterday." She says with confusion.
"Tom Holland." He smiles, shaking her hand. "My brother Harry unfortunately woke up ill so I'm filling in."
"Well your mum sure did make some handsome boys-"
"Mum. No." I shake my head.
"My ellie girl is always so embarrassed of me." She sighs. "I'll leave you guys to it."
My mum walks away, and Tom turns to me with a laugh.
"Well, should we get to work ellie girl?" He asks.
"Screw you." I say.
"Shhh!" He says wide eyed. "Jesus might hear you being mean!"
I shake my head at him, throwing him a paint brush.
"Get to work, the sooner we finish, the sooner I can get away from you."
After a couple hours of painting, eating snacks, and listening to Toms questionably disturbing playlist, we finish the job. I turn around to set my brush back in the can of paint, but little did I know that Tom would be right behind me. I accidentally swipe a streak of paint across his arm and instantly laugh at the mistake.
"Really?" He mutters in annoyance.
"Oh come on! Don't be such a party pooper!" I exclaim.
"Alright." He says, and quickly his brush swipes across my cheek, making my mouth drop as he giggles to himself.
"That's not fair! I didn't even get your face!" I groan.
"Don't be such a party pooper!" He uses my words against me.
I lift my hand, ready to do the same to his face but he grabs my wrist, as his other hand wraps around my waist to pull me into him.
"Don't even think about it, princess." He grins.
My eyes are torn from his when the doors open and I see my least favorite person walk through. Why is he even here when he literally bailed on our commitment? Like yeah I get it, we broke up, but that doesn't mean he can just pull out of promises.
I try to pull from Tom's grasp, but his arm stays securely around my waist. Jacobs eyes meet mine, and then gaze over to Tom.
"I just came to drop off something." He says. "Wasn't expecting you to move on with the crazy fighter guy. I was thinking it'd be the famous pretty boy."
I roll my eyes, knowing Tom is definitely going to have something to say about that.
"How's your face feel by the way?" Tom asks with a shit eating grin.
"Fine, actually. You didn't have much power in your punch." Jacob says.
"Yeah I was saving my energy to dick down your girl." He says and my eyes go wide.
Jeez I hate boys.
"You're really just a terrible person, aren't you?" Jacob mutters. "Just like Eliana-"
"Careful. We may be in a church but I'll still beat your ass." Tom warns, his fingers gripping even tighter to my hip.
I feel weirdly protected with Tom, like nothing and no one could hurt me. I like that feeling.. probably because I've never had it before.
"Nice pick, Eliana. Really. What an upgrade." Jacob says sarcastically, and leaves the building. I let out a breath, feeling Toms grip on me relax.
"Are you okay?" Tom asks, grabbing my face to make me look at him.
"I'm okay." I nod.
"Good. He's not worth it. I can't stand that guy." He mutters, dropping his hands from my face which almost makes me a bit sad.
"Tell me-" he says, grabbing a paper towel and using it to wipe the paint off of his arm. "Have you seen his dick? How big was it?"
I laugh loudly at his question, but decide that I'm gonna give him an answer, even though I normally wouldn't.
"Saw or a couple times. I'd say it's around four inches?" I guess and he scoffs.
"I know you have nothing to compare that to but that's not a good thing." He says.
"Then what's a good size hm?" I hum, entertaining him with my inquisitive attitude.
"Well when I'm ready to go I'm around eight inches." He states.
"Ready to go?" I question.
"When I'm horny, sweetheart." He says plainly.
"Tom you can't say that in a church!" I whisper yell at him.
"It's not a bad word, it's natural. Everyone gets horny. Even you- whether you'd like to admit it or not." He mumbles.
I feel a blush rise on my cheeks as I shake my head no.
"I do not."
"You do too. Everyone does. Just because you don't act on it doesn't mean you don't feel it." He grabs another paper towel, now walking over to me and wiping the paint off my face. "You can't tell me that you've never felt that tingling between your legs and that pressure in your stomach when someone touches you, or says something that turns you on."
Well he really is just open about the topic of sex. A topic that tends to make me uncomfortable.
"No ones ever really made me feel that way." I shrug.
He finishes wiping the paint off my face, and looks into my eyes.
"That's just sad." He laughs lightly and I playfully punch his arm, moving on from the topic.

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