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  "Well, hello there."

  Yoongi looked up at the voice, confusion struck on his face as he looked up from the cafeteria table. There was a guy who was inviting himself to sit in front of Yoongi, his dark eyes staring straight into Yoongi's, confidence and wonder filled in them. He had on a dark blue shirt, his elbow propping his chin up as he stared at Yoongi in a way that made Yoongi furrow his eyebrows back at him.

  He hadn't seen this person yet, but this guy clearly isn't going to go away.

  Yoongi was merely sitting at this table because it was the one that Seokjin and Hoseok told him to sit at if he wanted to sit with them. Clearly he had no friends, and despite how talkative and chaotic they seem, the two were actually pretty nice to be around.

  It's still his first day at Bark High School and all he can get is Are you an Alpha? from the girls or What the hell is that guy? from the boys— occasionally from the girls as well. Yoongi likes that they don't know. But at the same time, he just wishes they'd shut the hell up and leave him alone about it.

  "I'm Suk-Yeong." The guy across from him leaned forward to catch Yoongi's attention. Yoongi picked at his lunch plate, a tangerine sitting in one corner and a pizza slice plopped in the middle. He picked up the tangerine, feeling the need to do something with his hands as the guy introduced himself.

  Because he looked decently nice.

  His jawline sharp, his shoulders broad and chest built perfectly. His dark brown eyes inviting Yoongi into conversation. And from what Yoongi could tell, he was dressed pretty decently as well. And last time Yoongi thought so much about what a person looks like, he ended up with crushes on the useless.

  "You like those?" Suk-Yeong pointed at the tangerine in Yoongi's hand. He hadn't even noticed that he was stuffing his mouth with the fruit until he realized he couldn't answer back, his mouth too full and cheeks stuffed. "I'll take that as a yes." Suk-Yeong laughed lightly to himself, a big smile that'll make everyone else probably smile along with him.

  Yoongi nodded his head.

  "So," The guy tapped his jaw with his pointer finger repeatedly. "I see that you're new here. How do you like the school?"

  Yoongi swallowed his tangerine. "It's much bigger than I'm used to." He said.

  Suk-Yeong smirked. "Oh, yeah?"

  "Yeah." Yoongi nodded again, already peeling another tangerine out of fear of this conversation going downhill. He always had that problem, thinking that everything would go wrong and always fidgeting in anxiousness. "It's a nice school, though." He said.

  Suk-Yeong's face dropped a little, his eyes boring into Yoongi for a moment.

  Yoongi tensed up. Did he do something wrong? Is there something on his face? Or is Suk-Yeong already tired of him?

  "Yeah." Suk-Yeong pulled his smile back on. "The place is pretty big. I'm guessing you don't come from a big place or what?"

  "No, no." Yoongi said. "It's not that. I came from Daegu, but this place is still a lot bigger than what I'm used to—"

  "Why are you in my seat?"

  A hand was suddenly on Yoongi's shoulder, a shudder coming from his body as he felt the touch, a warm sensation and a weird melting of his body suddenly hitting him. For a second, it felt like he was going crazy, but then the hand left him. He turned around to see the guy from this morning, the guy he had ran into— Jungkook. Jungkook was standing behind him with his eyebrows forming a crease and his brown eyes staring back at Yoongi, clearly confused.

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