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Jungkook woke up in darkness. It took him a moment before he was sitting up fast, eyes widening into the pitch black.

"Yoongi?" He said, turning to where Yoongi usually sleeps on his bed. Yoongi opened his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows at him.

"You're awake?" He asked.

Jungkook's heart left his body. "W-What time is it?" He frantically reached for his phone on the bedside table, turning it on. The bright light lit up the room, stinging Jungkook's eyes. But it was almost midnight. "Oh my God. What the hell happened?" He asked.

Yoongi sat up in the bed and squinted as Jungkook turned on the lamp.

"It's okay, bun." He reached for Jungkook's hand and held it. "You took care of me. Don't worry—"

"I took care of you?"

Yoongi nodded, rubbing his hand over the fresh mark on his neck. Jungkook's eyes enlarged more. "After your knot went away, you took me to take a bath. We spent the day cuddling and snacking on chips." Yoongi smiled reassuringly.

But Jungkook sulked, not remembering any of that at all. He didn't even remember marking Yoongi. All he remembers is that they were having sex and...

Some things started hitting him, the feeling of biting into Yoongi, the bubbles from the bath, chip crumbs falling all over over him and Yoongi complaining about it.

"No.." He whined to himself. "I'm such a terrible soulmate. I let the Alpha take over me. I can barely even remember doing half of that. I- I'm so sorry—"

"Bun, you took care of me." Yoongi said. "You did. You took care of me. It's okay."

Jungkook frowned. "But not like I wanted to, though." He sighed. "Does it hurt? The bite?" He looked at the mark on Yoongi.

Yooni shrugged. "No."

That's a lie.

  "Then was the sex good.. for you?" Jungkook muttered quietly, curious. "I mean.. Yeah. Was it? Did I hurt you?" He asked.

  Yoongi smiled weakly. "I'm still hurting as we speak." He said honestly. Jungkook frowned, clearly not liking the sound of that. "It's okay, Jungkook." Yoongi chuckled as he laid back down on his bed. "You promised me cuddles. Either you get down here and cuddle me or I'm gonna be sad. You don't want me sad, do you?" Jungkook shook his head. "Good. So get down here." Yoongi said.

  Jungkook turned the lamp back off and plopped back down next to Yoongi.

  "I did this." He confirmed, pressing a soft kiss to the bite mark on Yoongi, then licked at it softly. Yoongi bit his lip, staring back into Jungkook's soft brown eyes, the apartment complex's lamppost shining through his window and right into Jungkook's eyes to make them sparkle as he eyed back at Yoongi.

  "I'm your Omega." He said.

  Jungkook smiled, then pressed his nose into Yoongi's nose playfully. Yoongi felt so nice, so cozy next to his soulmate. Now he pretty much belongs to him. Now he can finally go around and show off his mark, show his friends, tease Jungkook about it.

  Jungkook's Omega. I am Jungkook's soulmate. Jungkook is my Alpha.

  "Oh?" Jungkook smiled. "My Omega." He repeated, the word mine ringing in Yoongi's ears, still fresh in his mind.


The End

pls follow me haha <3 i write yoonkook and taegi mostly, but i also write yoonmin, yoonjin— literary basically yoongi ships. i have lots of stories so pls consider reading them 💕

hope you enjoyed !! thanks for reading

▪️Twitter: @mai_tuga


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