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Yoongi thought that the second day of school would be the peak of bad days.

Two weeks later, Yoongi is sitting in class, feeling weirder than usual. He had reported back to his father about some effects and stuff that has been happening with the medication. But now. Today. This is it.

As Yoongi sits in his first class, he can feel something wrong. Something deep in his stomach; a burning fire, a terrible feeling. One that Yoongi is used to, and something very unpredictable because of the medicine. His heat hadn't came since he had been taking the pills, but this is it. This is exactly what his heat feels like, but on steroids.

His whole body is sweating. Heart beating in his chest wildly, feeling it hitting against his chest, thumping harshly. And his stomach, the sensation of it all. It felt much worse than his normal heat. Instantly, he knew he needed to go home. Usually he can sense his own heat coming, usually just going off of his own scent a week or so ahead of time.

But with the medication, he can't even sense himself. It felt a lot more overwhelming than usual. And it kind of hurts... bad.

"I need to go home." He looked at Seokjin, who merely looked confused.


Yoongi frowned. "You can't smell me..?" He asked. Of course he can't, idiot.

"No." Jin looked shocked, probably wondering what exactly he should smell.

Yoongi groaned as he picked up his bag, class not even starting yet. He went straight to his teacher and asked to go home. The teacher allowed him to go, seeing his pitiful face as he scrunched his nose at the pain.

As he made his way to the classroom door, he ran straight into fucking-Jungkook. They were both surprised at the contact, Jungkook's hand instantly grabbing Yoongi's waist on instinct. Yoongi's body instantly churned, the burning fire turning into melting lava. As Jungkook's hand rested on his body, all he could think about was Alpha, Alpha, Alpha.


He pushed past Jungkook, not caring about the confused glance or the narrowed eyes coming from Yuri, who was also there.

He didn't even go to his locker.

Yoongi went straight home, not surprised to see his mother sitting on the couch on her day off. She had the TV on, watching the cooking channel. As soon as Yoongi opened the front door, she looked back, surprised.

"Why are you home?" She asked. "Did you forget something..... Why so you look hurt? Is something wrong?" She instantly stood up.

Yoongi threw his bag onto the floor. "My heat.." He even sounded different. "It hurts. It feels so- so much worse, it hurts. Is this supposed to happen?" He questioned.

His mom went straight to him, checking how sweaty and how absolutely terrible he looked right now. "No." She said. "I'll call your father. You go to your room and rest a minute."

He had no room to complain about that. He went straight to his room, whining uncontrollably into his sheets, the heat absolutely overbearing. It's not supposed to be like this. Yoongi isn't supposed to be crying into his bed like this. He's not supposed to feel like he's shifting into a whole new person, his bones aching and soul leaving his body.

Yoongi's father came home right away to see what was wrong. As he knocked on Yoongi's bedroom door, the Omega clenched tightly onto his bed and groaned. He didn't think about this, having his father near him during his heat. It sucked, embarrassment sinking in as he told his father what was happening.

As if things couldn't get worse,

"I'm going to take the medicine away from you, okay?" His father reached for the pill bottle on Yoongi's bedside table. Yoongi's eyes widened at his father, the pain worsening emotionally and physically now. He wanted to reach out for the bottle.

"H-Huh?" He asked. "But I need it."

His father shook his head. "Your heat shouldn't be hurting like this." He explained. Yoongi bit his lip as his father opened the bottle, searching the pills as if they had answers. "I'm not putting you in any more situations like this, Yoongi. This is a harmful, dangerous situation. I can't have my little son going and risking things like this."

Yoongi's mother dropped her head, also wishing that the medicine worked right.


"No, Yoongi." He closed the bottle again. And so that was it. No more medicine for Yoongi. No more pretending. And he hadn't even gotten to take full advantage of it..

The whole school will know.

All because of this heat.

He groaned as his parents left, locking his door for him. It was such an embarrassment, being so needy that it hurts. Just the thought of being touched by an Alpha made Yoongi's body go into hyper-mode, pressing his crotch into his bed and trying his best not to whine into his silent room. He decided to turn on his bluetooth speaker, not wanting to embarrass himself again.

He threw the blankets and sheets off of his bed, only leaving his pillow, which he was gripping tightly onto. As he realized he was left with only his mattress, he groaned, picking the sheets back up off the carpet. He cuddled into the sheets, the submissiveness overcoming his body. He wants an Alpha.

God, he hates to admit that.

Yoongi wants a fucking Alpha so bad right now. He needs somebody to fuck him. Wants to be used, sticking his ass into the air as if anyone was there to do so. It hurts so bad. If someone were there, they could end this much sooner for him. If he was bonded with someone, it wouldn't be half as bad. If any Alpha was here at all, this would be over much sooner. And he's going to have to wait it out instead. Virgin Omega.

Here he is, Alpha-less.


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