chapter 7

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*Felix's pov*

We had been fighting for a good few minutes to say I was shocked at her skills would be a understatement she also kept disappearing.

I dont think she saw the kings and Alistair waching I was embarrassed to be losing to a 8 year old.

*Marcus pov*

Ever since my eyes landed on my I mean our mate I felt better.

What I was worried about was what would she feel when she finds out aro and cauis are married.

"Let's go pay our mate and Alistair a visit" one of my soul brothers spoke the voice sounded like a child waking there parents on Christmas it belonged to aro.

Me and cauis just nodded we got to our mates room she wasn't there just a half finished painting that looked amazing.

We asked Dimitri if he saw her "she went with felix masters" he told us we nodded and went to find felix.

But first we got Alistair to know more about our mate we went in and saw felix and her fighting.

She got thrown but landed we went to step in but alistar said not to after a bit our mate had won and felix looked embarrassed.

I would be too he lost to a 8 year old as we started clapping the girl blushed and disappeared.

"Where did she go" cauis questioned us does it look like we know snow bunny "I'm not sure she also kept disappearing while we were fighting master cauis" felix told him.

"It's one of her gifts" Alistair spoke but got hit in the head knocking him to the ground we all laughed as we heard a small giggle.

All of us started to look around then she appeared kinda her body was there her head wasn't it also appeared after we freaked out she was just laughing at us but she hid behind felix.

*Bonnie's pov*

It was now dark I was in my room finishing my painting it was of the vision I had in the plane.

There was a knock on my door In seconds i covered my painting not wanting anyone to see.

"Come in" I said just above a whisper knowing whoever was there could hear me and they did in came cauis.

"Hello mi cara what are you painting" he asked me "I'm painting my vision like i always do" I respond.

"May you show me this so called vision" I nodded and sped over to him placing my hand on his cheek.

I felt sparks like I felt with aro I ignored them and continued showing him after I did he smiled at me.

"May I see your painting" I nodded showing him he looked a bit shocked but straightened his face "you did that" i nodded.

"That's amazing baby girl" I felt myself blushing so i went invisible.

"Come out mi cara we all think it's cute when you blush"  I blushed more luckily he couldn't see but I'm not going to lie I kinda enjoy having mates.

*aros pov*

Cauis had went to check on bonnie it had been about 10 minutes so I decided to check on them.

I walked threw the halls to her room and saw cauis and her looking at her painting "that's amazing baby girl" he complimented she blushed and dissapeared.

"Come out mi cara we all think it's cute when you blush" he said trying and failing to get her to come out he stood there for a few minutes when Alistair came in it looked like he was holding a child but bonnie was here.

Or not  "well bon-bon fell asleep invisible so we cant see her till she wakes" he told us walking to the bed and putting down 'bonnie' the bed weighted down so I assume she was there.

We all left the room to let her sleep Alistair went to his room me and cauis went to the garden to figure out how to talk to our wives about bonnie being here all we knew was we weren't going to divorce them................................................................yet.

We weren't going to tell them she was our mate till after we get a divorce which won't be for a while.

°°°°°° DONT  worry we will make sure to make aro and cauis jealous 😌 anyways sorry for it being short now that I'm on break I can update all my story's  in later chapters we will see what's going on at the cullans and the voltori's bond

with bonnie I will also try to make sure we see the witnesses in later chapters  so they will keep contact with bonnie and Alistair if you want message me or comment ideas for any of my story's  love you all


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