Chapter 17 - Visit

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Perhaps when you were young, someone sang a song to lull you to sleep or to entertain you on a long car trip. Kit knew a song like this, one her mother had introduced to her at an early age and often hummed or sung. It was a song the Detective would use most on nights she couldn't sleep. When Kit couldn't sleep it was probably due to her mind working overtime. Nights like this were uncomfortable and she couldn't always place why. Her body and face looked peaceful but her mind raced, reciting the old lyrics. She let her hand rest on the cat that lay silently asleep on her left.

The only thing that would startle her would be a loud noise. Like a ringing phone, perhaps. The phone call Kit received in the middle of the night was rather shocking to say the least. The noise made her jump, spill her hot tea, and hiss. But the subject of the call was a more shocking and irritating thing. I'm sure skipping over the stuttering explanation by Detective Bullock can be easily forgiven.

"Just out with it Harvey, did he escape?" She snapped down the phone at her colleague who was dancing around telling her the truth.

"Yeah. Yeah, Nygma's one of them. Couple uniforms said there was trouble in The Bowery and his name was mentioned." Bullock sounded tired already. Or perhaps he was just sobering up, that was equally possible. He wasn't supposed to be on duty either, like Kit, he'd only just clocked out. It wouldn't be surprising if he'd gone straight to the bar and then been called back in.

"Alright, give me about half an hour, I'll be at the precinct soon as I can." The detective rubbed her tired eyes and tried to come up with some kind coherent thoughts.

"Hey, hail a cab, don't walk at this time of night, alright? See you soon, Kit."

"Yeah. See you-." She heard the phone line go dead as Harvey hung up.

There was so much work to be done and she had only finished her last shift about 3 hours ago. Kit was worn out at this point. And here she was thinking she'd just solved three of Gotham's biggest problems, be that through imprisonment, bribery or... whatever Zsasz's reason was for not causing a stir recently. Regardless, she'd been working non stop.

Kit barely had time to collect her thoughts before they began racing again. Why were they still rioting? Oswald had started offering people jobs in his clubs and had paid for damages in a majority of Edward's territory and yet they wouldn't stop.

Hearing a knock on her door in the dead of night, after being told the man who tried to kill her was free, was enough to chill Kit to her very core. With one hand on the doorknob and another holding her gun she'd grabbed out of the holster which lay on her dresser, Kit approached the door, ready to defend herself against the trouble that was probably on the other side.

She opened the door quickly, as if ripping off a bandaid, pointing the gun at the face of one Edward Nygma.

"Hello Katherine."

"Turning up at my door after your 'great escape' isn't your smartest move, I'll be honest." She spoke from behind her gun, teeth clenched. Kit noted the other man stood slightly behind him, a man of equal height to The Riddler, a man wearing a ridiculous hat.

"Y'know, I never really took you for a gun person, but I suppose it makes sense. Police and their firearms, right?" He shrugged, unfazed.

The two of them wore the same black and white Arkham inmate uniforms. Looks like Edward had been making friends in the big house. No doubt the other man had a part in the two of them being able to break out but she couldn't place him. She hadn't met this one before, which meant he'd been in for a while. And that wasn't good. His eyes were very unnerving and he twitched when Edward made any sudden movement.

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