Chapter 24 - That Book

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"It's ridiculous, why would she turn down an offer like that? Wouldn't it solve her family's main concern by marrying up? The connections, the estate, thirteen thousand a year. Rather then no end of rue and the looming threat of poverty."

"Ten thousand. And that's not what happens, you know. Maybe Elizabeth Bennett just wasn't as shallow as you." Kit shrugged at Edward's cold recount of her favourite book. Despite her constant pestering, there was no getting Ed to give up anything about the Scarecrow.

He scoffed at her retort.

"I'm just saying the pros outweighs the cons."

How strange it was that they were here; debating Pride and Prejudice, in Edward's stunning house on the edge of town. A different one to the dimly light old house that he'd had Zsasz bring her to days ago. It was weird but it was happening. And she had to hand it to him, the place was beautiful. It was really different to see Nygma looking so at ease. Sitting on a sofa, nose in a book, without his usual blazer. He almost seemed relaxed, if not for the fact he kept glancing over at Kit, who was also trying to read.

"So when are you gonna tell me about The Scarecrow then?" Kit looked up from her book.

"Think, Katherine. Perhaps about the author of that nonsense book you like so much." His jibe was petty and spoken in a mumble, like he was bitter about something.

Kit lowered her own book, one she had picked from Edward's collection, in a huff. She gave him that look, the one that told him to stop talking and never start again. But they both knew Ed Nygma liked the sound of his own voice far too much for that.

"You know, people who tear down other's enjoyment are the worst kind of people." She scolded.

The Riddler frowned at her. Surely the worst kind of person were the criminals she dealt with day in, day out. People that robbed, harmed, conned, and killed. People like him. That wasn't to say that he was the worst of the worst, but he certainly wasn't the best. Her unintentional optimism was somewhat annoying. Despite this, he was glad to see her looking rested after some well needed sleep. It turned out, Katherine slept quite deeply. Even sat upright in that very armchair, fully clothed and still wearing her boots.

He wasn't surprised when she had turned down sleeping in a room. There were plenty in the house but she didn't trust him not to lock the door and eat the key. But the boots. The boots were like a sharp flick in the eye. She was ready to run at any given moment. Kit could be on her feet and out the door faster than he could say, 'Are you going somewhere?' But the thought of her being so willing to leave shouldn't shock him.

"I'm only showing an interest. Fine, if not Austen, help me understand why this Darcy character is so admirable. Other than his thirteen thousand pounds a year."

"Where have you gotten thirteen from? It's ten thousand."

"Hm." He hummed, watching as Kit sighed at him and rolled her eyes, over-exaggerating as she did so, just to prove a point.

Kit knew better than to walk into his trap. She knew he was going to counter whatever qualities she listed to pieces because that was what Edward did best. His own sense of self-righteousness made sure he wouldn't allow 'good deeds' or 'applying corrections' to be praised as admirable traits.

"He's clever." She chose to say, instead. Looking back down at the book she was holding, finding her page and sentence. She said it because he couldn't argue with that. It was a desirable trait and he had to agree. This way he'd be stumped.

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