Chapter 26 - Names

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Kit managed about two more hours of sleep after she'd argued with Edward last night. Well, it hadn't started out as an argument but her suggestion, that he should allow the other side of him to take control while they dealt with Crane, had clearly gotten to him and he stormed out. She didn't think that he would take such offence, given that she'd already met Nygma mark two.

As soon as she woke, Kit began preparing for the day ahead, that was if Edward was still willing to be her accomplice in all of this. If not then she'd probably just go to Jim as going alone was stupid and reckless. When she thought about it, Kit wasn't sure why she wasn't going to Jim. Why was she suddenly determined to do this alone? Or rather, with the man that had kidnapped her twice. Was she looking for a way to redeem Edward in some way? And if she was, then why? He hadn't exactly done anything to demonstrate his potential to change.

The Detective pushed the thoughts to the back of of her mind and pulled on her boots. Her hair was tied up, out of her face. Kit knew that the bags under her eyes wouldn't fully disappear until she got some proper rest but the sleep she'd managed to get last night was of some help in making her look less dead. Once satisfied, she headed over to the door of the room in Edward's house and when she pulled it open, was met with the man himself.

"Good morning." He spoke first, he looked the same as he did last night. His suit was different, a dark grey rather than black, but his eyes were still sunken behind those glasses.

"Did you sleep at all?" Was the first thing she asked him.

"Yes." Edward lied.

Kit was incredulous but didn't want to pry. She found herself feeling slightly worried that he was still angered by what she'd said to him last night, and yet he didn't particularly look angry. Kit shook off the guilt and told herself that her empathy was not needed. But empathy made her the person she was, her empathy made her her. She had to keep it.

"Look, I just wanted to say... It's not my place to make any judgments or decisions when it comes to your..." She didn't know the word for it. Not without being cold and clinical or downright rude. "I mean that last night, what I said might have been out of line-"

"No, you were right," He cut her off, holding a hand up. "To avoid the reality of my situation would be sentimental. You made a good point, I can use it to my advantage."

Was he sure? Kit was all for it if he was sure but from the sounds of things, Edward didn't like the idea of being out of control. But then, who did?

"Is there any way you can be brought back? If you want me to... I don't know? Bring you back?" She was trying to make the whole thing easier for him as he hadn't been keen on it initially but Edward had already spent all night arguing with himself and eventually they'd eventually agreed on something. It was rare but it happened.

"No need, we have an agreement. As soon as we're out of there, I'm back. You don't need to worry about anything other than your suicide mission today," He turned around and started walking away. Kit carefully followed him to the top of the stairs, where he stopped for a second. "Just make sure you look out for yourself. If anything happens to me, let him deal with it. I know that you have the same hero complex as Gordon but it won't serve you well in this endeavour. Just... watch out for yourself, alright?"

Kit wasn't entirely sure why he felt the need to say that. Was he worried or did he just think that she had more of a chance of dying without him there? Maybe Edward believed that the other him would just let her die, if it came down to it. She didn't believe that for a second. She'd met him, after all, and he'd kissed her under a streetlight. He spoke to her as if he'd got every intention of keeping her around.

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