Chapter 9: Bad Omen

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Irene stood still. She didn't turn around. She kept staring at the city bellow. It was strange to hear her voice again. Irene thought she would have forget what it would sound like, but she was wrong. It was like she had spoken to her the day before. She, the little pixie had managed to find her. But how?

It didn't matter. She shouldn't have come. She should never have come. If Irene left, it was for a reason.

"You shouldn't have come, Alice." Irene stated, her voice firm.

"We would never stop looking for you." A male voice said. Jasper. He never leaves Alice's side.

"I'm happy your not alone." Alice said. Irene knew she was talking about Aileen. "It would reassure Tony."

"How's he?" Irene asked without even thinking. She couldn't stop herself. The words slipped. She could felt Alice's smile widened in her back.

"He married Bella in August of this year." Alice joyfully said.

Irene slightly smiled. She knew it would have happened sooner or later. Tony had a life. She couldn't be happier. He had someone to care for, to fight for other than his beloved sister. Irene would've loved to attend the wedding. To see her brother in a beautiful black suit, waiting for his bride at the altar. But as soon as she left, a year ago, she knew it would have been impossible.

"How did you find me?" Irene asked. She couldn't help but wonder. She was extremely careful to shield her mind against any intruder, to protect every bit of it. So how?

"I don't really know, to be honest." Alice said. "Even though I tried hard to see your future, I would always see a thick red fog. But a year ago, around october, I suddenly had a vision."

Visions. Alice's gift was that she could see the future. They could appear out of nowhere, or if she focused on a person, she could see visions of their future. The Volturi wanted her gift too. But not as much as they wanted Irene's.

"You were in Russia. But when Edward and I went there, you were no where to be seen. I never had any other vison untile four days ago. I saw you standing here."

"Four days ago..." Irene muttered thoughtfully.

Then, it hit her. Four days ago, 17th of December. She was sparing with Elric. She used all her capacities in this fight. She must have unconsciously lowered her mental shield during the fight. The same must have happened right after Mali's death. She had released such a wave of energy that her mental shield lowered.

It was unfortunate but at least, now she knew that she had to be more careful. If she uses too much psionic energy, her mental shield weakens.

"You should leave." Irene then said, remembering the reason why she left.

There was a small silence. Irene guessed they were thinking of what to say. But nothing would make her come back. At least, that was what she thought. Because never she would have expected what Alice and Jasper were about to tell her.

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