The Empress's Tomb

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Up in the clouds, immortals gathered around the tomb of the diseased heavenly empress. Their sheer amount of power could be felt for miles as they were all high immortals. The time was nearing dusk, allowing the creatures that lurked in the shadows to come out.

 Even the creatures came out to pay their respects to the empress. The atmosphere was somber as they looked at the tomb adorned with gold and silver giving it a regal look.

Outlining the side of the tomb were dead and wilting flowers. Since her death, all the flowers in the heaven realm have withered and died. The atmosphere was grim, sorrowful expressions could be seen on their faces.

The late empress befriended a lot of people and had a loving, mother-like personality. All these immortals were loyal friends to the past empress and came every year to pay their respects.

Her death shocked all the four realms since she was so young at the age of only 15,000 years. Today is the ten-thousandth year of Wei Meiying's death. She was a beautiful flower fairy who became an immortal from many years of cultivation. 

She was named the number one beauty in the four realms. Many were jealous of her beauty and her loving relationship with the emperor. She joined the war between heaven and the demons to end all wars and bring peace to the four lands. 

Wei Meiying's goal was to make eternal peace between the realms. Unfortunately, it wasn't all happy. When the Demon King tricked the emperor and sneakily attacked him with his sword, Wei Meiying jumped in front of her husband. 

She pierced the heart of the Demon King with her dagger but at the same, his poisoned sword went through her heart. Her husband fell to his knees as his eyes clouded over with anguish. 

Wang lei held his dying wife in his arms as she said her last words, "Wang Lei, I will always be with you be it in life or death.. cough..I will always love you.." After taking her last breath a horrid scream of anguish ripped through Wang Lei's throat.

Since that day, the Emperor has been in isolation cultivating for all these years except for coming out for his wife's death day. He stopped being the emperor of the heaven realm and passed it down to his adopted brother, Zhang Yan. 

Even though he isn't the emperor anymore, he is still regarded as one. His adopted brother still seeks advice from him from time to time, never fully giving up his reign. The immortals waited anxiously for the emperor's arrival, afraid to see his condition. 

Since the death of his wife his face has been void of any emotion. Not that he showed much emotion before but sometimes a small smile would crack his stony expression. He only showed emotions to his wife and many immortals worry that he would kill himself over the grief of his wife. However, he still lives on.

A flash of lightning and thunder resounded throughout the forest. All the immortals turned their attention to the sky as a man dressed in a white Hanfu descended slowly to the ground. The man was one of the oldest deities alive, the ex-emperor, Wang Lei. 

His face is still handsome and ageless looking except for the tired look in his eyes. One would even say that he is the most handsome man in the heaven realm but the least approachable man ever at the same time.

Unfathomable power radiated from him in layers. The younger immortals shivered in dread as they closed their eyes feeling the power from him. Their ex-emperor is the only person known in all 4 realms to hold such a high and respected place among the others. 

Even those who are close to him are afraid of what he can do. It is said that his power was gifted to him by God. The immortals respectfully bowed to him as he walked towards the tomb. His white hair shined silver in the moon's light giving him an ethereal look.

Even though they have seen him hundreds of times his presence is always an anticipated one. He carried himself as someone of great importance. His face gave away no emotion, except for the sadness in his eyes as he walked gracefully to his wife's tomb. 

He didn't even acknowledge the presence of the others as if he didn't see them and maybe he didn't. With a wave of his hand, he casted a spell with purple light, opening the stone door to the tomb. 

Everyone held their breath as they watched his majesty walk into the tomb. Only the echoes of his shoes hitting the cold stone floor was heard. After he was inside, the stones slowly closed back up.

An immortal that goes by the name Die Heng shook his head slightly. He was the immortal that kept track of the mortal's lives. Seeing his friend's sorry state, he didn't know if he would ever recover from the death of his wife. 

A younger immortal next to him asked, "Why does Wang Lei always have to give off a show when he comes.." 

Die Heng hit the backside of the boy's head named Cha Jing, with his fan. Cha Jing rubbed the back of his head trying to ease the pain while grumbling to Die Heng.

Then all of a sudden a boom resounded from the sky as it turned from dark to light. The immortals quizzically stared at the sky as pink sparkles swirled around the tomb like a spell was casted but none of the immortals casted one. 

Then something unexpected happened. The flowers that surrounded the tomb started to grow again as life slowly flowed into them until they were beautiful and new.

Confusion and hope pooled in Die Heng's stomach as he realized what this meant. He pulled out the scrolls of the fates of all living souls and saw Wei Meiying's name shining brightly. 

Snapping it closed he looked at the sky and a smile broke across his face as he knew Wei Meiying was reborn. Patting Cha Jing on the shoulder he felt a great surge of happiness he hadn't felt in a long time.

In the forest where the shadows lurk, stood a handsome man leaning on a tree. The man's black robes floated in the air behind him as dark power swirled around him. He silently watched the gathering away from the rest of the immortals. 

Everyone avoided him because he was the demon lord, Liu Wei. He was the youngest brother of the Demon King. He was good friends with Wei Meiying and helped out Emperor Wang Lei during the war. 

Not many know the story behind Meiying friendship with the demon lord, but they respect him, nonetheless. Even if their respect for him is because they are scared of what he can do and his unchanging ice-cold stare. 

The only reason that he's not casted out of the heaven realm is because Wei Meiying who was a flower fairy was able to get rid of half of his demonic energy which allows him to cultivate an immortal's essence.

**All the pictures and paintings aren't mine. All credit goes to who made them**

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