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Down in the Human Realm everyone waited for the good news of a new prince or princess. The royal family was expecting their fourth child.

 Little did they know that the child's birth was the start of a new era. The child would be the reincarnation of the powerful former Empress Wei Meiying, from the Heaven Realm.

In the household of the Li family, the Empress Consort is in labor with her fourth child. Her personal maids were worried about the birth because the imperial physician said she's having a complicated birth. 

The Empress had been in labor for almost a day and news of giving birth soon kept all the maids busy. The bustling and anxious atmosphere could be felt by all as the maids quickly ran to and from the Empress's chambers with water and towels.

In the middle of the Empresses chambers, a beautiful young lady in her early thirties was giving birth. Even with her face flushed and hair in a mess she was still a known beauty. Screams of pain echoed through the palace as she was about to give birth. 

Beads of sweat formed on her face as her brows creased from the pain. The head maid who has been presented with helping the Empress with all her births said comforting words she helped birth to the baby.

Minutes later a shrill cry echoed through the halls as the Empress brought a baby girl into the world. The head maid announced, "The Empress Consort gave birth to a baby girl." 

Happiness could be felt throughout the chambers. For this was the first princess of the royal family. The maids all echoed the thought of how wonderful it would be to watch a little princess grow up running around in the palace bringing joy to everyone.

Once the head maid wrapped the baby princess in a blanket, she gently handed the bundled baby to the Empress. The Empress smiled and cried happy tears as she looked down at her beautiful daughter in her arms, exhaustion evident in her eyes.

The baby was the most beautiful baby girl everyone in the room laid eyes on. The princess had big brown doe-like eyes and porcelain -like skin. She was a small baby. The smallest of all her siblings since she was born premature.

Loud steps could be heard as the emperor burst into the chambers. He frantically looked around the room till his eyes landed on his wife and daughter.

His worries ceased as he slowly walked over to the edge of her bed and sat down. Both parent's eyes glowed with love as their daughter smiled at them. The maids fawned over the couple and baby as happiness filled the room.

As the parents examined their daughter a red birthmark was found behind her right ear. "Your Majesty, look," the empress softly said surprised. 

She gently touched the small red birthmark behind her daughter's ear. The birthmark was in a shape that looked similarly like a lotus flower.

The Empress looked up at her husband who held only love in his gaze and asked in a soft and tired voice, "Husband, may I ask your permission to give our daughter a name."

The Emperor only smiled and nodded at his wife waiting for what name his wife would come up with for their daughter. "

Husband, since our daughter was given a birthmark of a lotus flower from the heavens, how about the name Li Hua, meaning beautiful flower." (Or pear blossom)

The Emperor thought about it for a second before kissing his wife's forehead saying, "Li Hua is a beautiful name for a beautiful daughter."

While the Emperor and Empress were lost in their own world with their daughter they didn't notice the commotion going on outside the chambers. An astonished cry could be heard from a maid outside. 

The emperor who was holding his daughter at the time, walked outside to hear what was going on. As he stepped his foot outside and stood at the top of the stairs he looked up. He was amazed at the sight.

Gasps from everyone could be heard as they looked up to the heavens. Up in the sky, the clouds parted to lead beams of sunlight down onto the Imperial Palace. 

Then hundreds of colorful birds came out of nowhere and flocked to circle around the Imperial Palace while doves circled the Empresses' chambers high in the sky. It was a breathtaking sight to see.

The elder eunuch spoke up as he looked at the emperor. "Your Majesty, If I may so boldly as to say this but this is an auspicious sign from the heavens."

The Emperor's worried expression looked down at his daughter than at the eunuch. The eunuch realized the Emperor thought it was bad news so he quickly answered visibly flustered saying, "Your Majesty, I mean to say that this is a very good omen and that the birth of the young princess will give much fortune to this kingdom. Doves symbolize peace and love so the birth of the princess will bring peace to the lands for years to come."

The Emperor then looked relieved and exclaimed, "Today the heavens gave a good omen, blessing the newborn princess who's birth will bring peace!"

Everyone bowed down and touched their head to the floor as they yelled, "Long live the Imperial family and this kingdom."

The Emperor looked down lovingly at the small bundle in his arms as he exclaimed to his people, "From this day onward your princess shall be named Li Hua!" 

Everyone cheered as they bowed to the Emperor holding the small princess in his arms. The Emperor hugged the child protectively in his arms closer as he looked up at the doves circling his wife's chambers.

The Emperor silently thought, "Since my wife brought you into this world. I will protect and give you, my daughter, a bright future. Since you gave our kingdom a gift that no one could repay you." 

Baby Li Hua looked up at her father as if she heard his thoughts and a soft smile graced her features as she snuggled into her father's arms. The Emperor looked down at his daughter lovingly and pledged that he would keep her safe from all dangers.

The birth of the princess brought a wonderful omen to their kingdom. The omen that the princess brought to earth was precisely predicted because not long after her birth, the war against the rebels stopped.

But one thing that wasn't paid enough attention was the fact that the flowers in the royal garden started to bloom giving off a pink glow. Even the small animals looked up at the heavens. Thus, signaling the reincarnation of Wei Meiying

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