Ch. 8

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Once the beautiful lady and my brother was spotted, I strolled over to them without a thought. Ignoring the curious stares, I greeted my new sister. For a couple of minutes, we did small talk before I gestured her to come with me to stroll through the gardens. 

After telling her husband of her whereabouts, we happily walked away from the curious eyes. Taking a deep breath in, I sighed in content as we walked through the beautiful garden. This flower garden is private for only the royal family. 

If anyone came in without permission, we have archers stationed around the palace to shoot anyone who dares to come inside u invited. I feel that is a silly rule, but I guess it is for our own protection since there have been assassination attempts in recent years.

Once there is a new family member married into the royal family there is a custom for the princess of the Emperor and Empress to greet each official wife of the princes with the Empress. However, since my mother died when I was young, I took it solely upon myself to transition each wife with our customs. 

I hope that they are able to transition to their new roles as a princess of the Li family smoothly. I love to walk through this garden because it always gives me a sense of calmness. 

I thought this would be the perfect place to talk to my brother's wife. No one will be able to overhear our conversation or be able to disturb us. 

Consort Wu seemed a little overwhelmed with all the attention in the banquet hall so this should be the best remedy after a pressing day. I know how it feels to be constantly gaining attention with those calculating your every move. You never get used to it.

To break the comfortable silence, I asked, "Consort Wu, may I ask what your favorite flower is?"

Startled that I would talk so formal, Consort Wu quickly said that she loved when the fruit trees blossomed in the spring. She then said that I don't have to talk so formal with her since she is only a couple of years older than me. Laughing heartily, I agreed and we talked until my Second brother came over.

"I see that my little sister has showed my wife, the royal gardens already. If you can't find her, she will always be laying under a tree in this garden," my brother exclaimed jokingly.

Smiling, I can't deny what he said wrong since it is true. Laughing, I responded by saying, "This is the only peaceful place in the palace that I won't be disturbed by my brothers. Even if it isn't very ladylike. Don't worry brother, I will take good care of your wife since she is now my sister so don't blame me when I steal her away."

 My brother feigning being scared, he hurriedly walked over to his wife and held her close to him as if I would steal her away.

Consort Wu, smiled softly at our brother and sister banter. She never thought brothers and sisters could ever get along since she never had a strong bond with her siblings since it was always a competition between them.

 Her father had many wives and children. She is glad that she is finally away from all the (snarky comments and rivalry in the household) that she is looking forward to having a little sister who she can confide in.

Smiling, I watched as my brother looked fondly at his wife. I am glad he has grown to love his wife since their marriage was arranged. I was afraid that his wife wouldn't be nice to him but I am glad that's not the case.

 I was always close with my brothers and I hope they all live a long, happy and prosperous life and with their partner. I hope I find love like my parents had.

After saying goodbye to my brother and his wife, I walked back along the path of the garden in search of my maid. I left her with Consort Wu's personal maid so they could get to know each other. I also thought that my brothers wife might feel more comfortable to talk with one less person around her.

Once I spotted my maid, I saw her deep in conversations with the other maid to the left of the banquet hall entrance.

"No miss, we were talking about how to take care of a princess in a royal palace. Consort Wu's maid doesn't know the etiquette in our palace."

Asking quizzically, "Wasn't Consort Wu a princess in the Wu Royal family?" 

How come her maid doesn't know the basic etiquette?

"Miss, you didn't know?" Shaking my head earnestly, I waited for her to tell me the story.

"Well, apparently Consort Wu was treated badly since her mother was the fourth concubine. So, her siblings and aunts never gave her the proper necessities. Even her father knew what was going on but didn't do anything."

"Oh dear. I am afraid her father sounds like someone who is ruled by his first wives."

Looking around frantically my maid made sure no one heard what I said since it is very bad to talk about a king behind their backs. 

"Princess, you shouldn't say things like that. What if someone hears?" She scolded. 

Thinking to herself, 'The princess can be unruly sometimes.'  If anyone else said this, they would be severely punished but since I consider her as an older sister, I don't think much of her comment. 

"Let them hear, I don't care. From now on anyone who bullies by sister will have to go through me!"

With a slight laugh, I thought about how ridiculous it would be if someone tried to get in the way of me and my family.

The maid watched the princess as she stood there with her dainty hands on her hips. However, the motion looked almost cute instead of the intimidating image she wanted to create. 

 Anyone would feel proud do have my miss as a friend. She is very loyal for being part of the royal family. 

She is neither a privileged girl nor takes advantage of others because of her high position. Thinking about it, the princess has a very pure heart for having lived in the palace her whole life that is full of greed and malice. 

The maid had a sudden urge to be protective of her miss since she knows that she is still innocent and naive of how this cruel world works. She has experienced just how cruel the world can be. If it hadn't been for the late empress to have given her the job of being the young princesses maid and companion; I don't know what I'd have done.

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