The Princess

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Both men intently watched as the scrolls projected an image of an Imperial Palace. The scene changed and showed a man in his late thirties holding a young baby girl bundled in his arms. The image focused on the girl showing her beautiful face and dark brown eyes.

Then the image zoomed in on the baby showing the birthmark of a lotus flower behind her ear. After showing the location of Wei Meiying's reincarnation, the image disappeared.

The name of Wei Meiying went back to the normal ink signature, not showing its previous magic. Wang Lei glanced up at Die Heng and a small smile formed on his lips. He will finally be able to see the love of his life again. He will find her, even if he can't be a part of her life.

Wang Lei leaned forward in his chair, folding his pale large hands in front of him and in a serious deep voice he asked, "Die Heng, will you help me find Wei Meiying?"

Die Heng laughed and said, "Your Majesty, I would be honored to help you find our late Empress! You don't have to be so courteous with me."

With that Wang Lei felt an immense weight lifted off his shoulders and felt happiness that had been buried deep down for a long time. For the first time since the death of Wei Meiying he wanted to live; not just surviving day by day but living and experiencing life. 

Looking up at the sky he said, "You kept your promise, dear wife."

As the two immortals happily conversed about how to encounter Wei Meiying's reincarnation, demon lord Liu Wei stood eavesdropping on them in the shadows. After hearing about Wei Meiying's rebirth, he decided that he too will visit Wei Meiying.

Then after getting valuable information on Wei Meiying's location, he vanished but some of his dark aura stayed behind alerting Die Heng.

Startled Die Heng spoke up saying, "Your Majesty, I believe Liu Wei was listening in on our conversation."

Wang Lei nodded as a sly smile formed on his lips but covered it up as he took a sip of tea. He indeed knew that Liu Wei was listening all this time and thought that he at least deserved to know where Wei Meiying was reborn since he was close with her in the past.

Die Heng then said, "Isn't he going to be a problem in you being together with Wei Meiying's reincarnation? What if he does something that will hinder you from being together with her.." He then stood up as if he was going to go after Liu Wei.

Wang Lei raised his hand up to stop Die Heng from doing something idiotic. Die Heng looked at him expectantly as Wang Lei stood up gracefully. His silver hair glistened in the sun as his white robes swirled around him from the movement, giving off a majestic aura.

He stepped over to Die Heng and calmly patted his shoulder before saying, "Don't worry, I will make sure that he won't get to her first. It will take him some time since he doesn't know where in the mortal realm she was reborn."

Die Heng pointed his fan at Wang Lei before saying jokingly, "Your Majesty, that really is cunning of you."

Wang Lei just gave a devious smile and took a few steps before leaping and disappearing in mid air, leaving behind a stupefied Die Heng.

Die Heng shook his head before saying, "Wang Lei is finally getting back to his old self again. I can't tell if it is a good or bad thing."

He then turned around and saw Wang Lei's favorite teacup resting on the table. It had the famous phoenix design on it.

"Maybe he wouldn't notice if I took just one of the cups." Just as he reached out to take the cup it disappeared along with the table and chairs.

Die Heng pouted saying, "I just wanted one cup, why must Wang lei have to trick me like this."

He then sadly walked out of the forest complaining about Wang Lei's attitude. As he left the clearing, flowers started to bloom as their master was finally reborn.

In ancient China, the Ice Kingdom was one of the most powerful dynasties resting in the center of China, the Li dynasty. The Kingdom got its famous name as the Ice Kingdom because of the harsh winter that plagues the land 8 months out of the year.

The cold winter helps defend them from enemy's from down south, but their closest enemies can also bear the cold weather, so they have always battled each other. 

However, the birth of the royal princess has brought good luck as predicted which led to the end of war. They were able to sign a peace treaty with the other kings and end war for generations.

In the Imperial palace, the princess's room was bustling with maids. A young girl, at the age of 16, stood silently in the middle of it all. Her aura was that expected of a royal but she didn't have the arrogant attitude that came with the title. 

She is known to be a kind, sincere and conscientious person. She is indeed the only princess in the palace. She's known to be spoiled with new jewelry and clothing every month. However, she doesn't always keep the items to herself and gives it away. 

A white vail conceals her delicate features and was tied behind her small head. Even though only her eyes could be seen they were very beautiful almost doe-like and was alluring. Her eyes were a captivating dark brown with speckles of a lighter shade. 

Her eyes held no coldness to them but a knowledge farther than her youth. Many of the maids deemed her a very beautiful young lady even without seeing what her other facial features looked like. 

They were often jealous of her personal maid because she's the only one who can see her facial features. The princess has a very slim body, and one would think that she didn't eat her portion of food but is mistakenly wrong. 

Their mistress could eat like a horse but never gained a pound. Some of the maids were envious but didn't dare voice it out loud. You can't say just anything to a member of the royal family.

Her hair was taken very good care of. Even though she had dark black hair it shined when the light from the windows fell upon it. 

Her skin is porcelain white except for a little honey-rose coloring to her skin tone. The maids dressed her silently in a beautiful pale purple dress; and when finished they stood back in awe at their princess in front of them.

***The pictures aren't mine***The story isn't based on any dynasty***

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