Chapter 40

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3rd person POV ;)
{ song for this chapter to really feel it Train wreck by James Arthur 😕 }

Cole walks into his father's house with a sigh. It has been a long day for him. Ever since he started his job at his father's company so he can be able to provide for Lucy,he hasn't been resting much. Add the fact that Lucy could give birth any minute and it is a mess.

He still hasn't told his father about the baby. He is scared shitless. The thought of telling his father has him panicking. Spencer Grey is one ruthless man.

"Watch it,you prick" He snaps after bumping into Alec.

Alex rolls his eyes and scoffs. "I'm not the one who bumped into you,asshole. You bumped into me. So you watch it" He says. "And shouldn't you be with Lucy. You know she is going to give birth any minute right?" He raises his eyebrow and folds his arms over his chest.

Alec doesn't necessarily hate Cole. He just hates the way he behaves. He actually likes the idea of being brothers with Cole but it is a one sided feeling.

He also knows that Cole has feelings for Lucy. The real reason he actually asked her out so soon was because he didn't want Cole to get her first. Though he knows that Lucy likes Cole even though she'd never reluctantly admit,he is still with her for his own selfish reasons. He knows that in due time he is going to have to let her go because she has Cole's heart and he has hers. No matter how much he despises that idea,it is true. She will never fully commit to him as long as Cole is in the picture.

"Listen,Alec. Don't tell me what to do when it comes to Lucy. She'll call me when it's time and I'll make sure I make it on time to see my baby" Cole hisses.

"Yeah you better because you haven't been father of the year lately" Alec continues to prod. He likes ruffling Cole's feathers. His reactions are always amusing to him.

"You think I don't fucking know that?" Cole grits.

"Whatever Cole. Just make sure always there for her. I'm going go get my mom from Lucy's house" Alec says before walking out the door,leaving behind a very pissed of Cole.

Not even a few minutes later,Cole feels an all too familiar iron grip on his neck and breath that smells like smoke next to his ear.

"I had a feeling that that bitch was carrying your baby" Spencer whispers in his son's ear before roughly shoving him.

"I always knew you were a failure,son but this beats everything" Spencer spits before punching his son on the face. "Your a fucking digrace!!" He yells then starts viciously attacking him.

Grunts,groans,yells of pain and male screams are resonating through the house as Spencer beats his son. He slams his head on the floor,punches is before slamming it on the floor again. He kicks and steps on him repeatedly while yelling how disgusted and disappointed he his at Cole.

He steps on one of Cole's fingers and it snaps in two. Cole screams as pain erupts in his hand. Just as he is about to cradle his hand,Spencer swiftly kicks him on the face and blood immediately spurts from his mouth and nose.

"You fucking stupid boy!!" Spencer yells. "Your out there making all these fucking whores pregnant instead of focus on your work!! You think I don't know that this is the second time you've been even more dumber than you are by not using a fucking condom,Cole!! Don't I buy that shit for you!!" He punches his ribs and a loud cracks sounds through,making Cole wheeze in immense pain.

Spencer continues beating his own son until he can't even feel anything anymore. His body is in so much pain yet he can't feel anything. His mind has shut the pain out.

Cole's vision begins to darken as he lays on the floor bleeding like a hole on a bloodbag. He lays still as his mind flashes with the girl who holds his heart. Her innocent smile and joyful laughter. Her beautiful face and heart that cares for anything that breathes.

As he lays there,he begins regretting all he has done to his sweetheart. She didn't deserve all he has done to her. He regrets not telling her how he feels about her. He is about to die and he hasn't even lived yet.

He's not ready to die yet.

Ella and Alec walk back and gasp at the sight infront of them. Cole lays limp on the floor with a broken finger,ribs,nose and leg and blood everywhere. Alec rushes to the scene and shoves Spencer of an unconscious Cole.

"Call an ambulance!! Mom!!" He yells which causes Ella to blink her tears and dial the number for help with shaky hands. Alec keeps mumbling at Cole for him to wake up.

Ella screams as she sees Spencer aiming to punch Alec but it is too late. His fist has already connected with Alec's face. Luckily,he recovers quickly and returns a punch to Spencers stomach making him groan in pain.

"MOM CALL THE COPS!!" Alec screams,frightening an already frightened Ella. She does as she's told as Alec karate chops Spencer's neck to make him unconscious as they way for the cops.

It is not long when help arrives and they carefully lift Cole's body onto the stretcher and carry him into the ambulance. The police handcuff Spencer and drop him in the back of their car.

They ask them questions before driving of. Silence fills the house and both the mother and son stare at the large pool of blood on the floor in a shaken state.

They knew that Spencer was abusing Cole but they couldn't do anything because he threatened to do the same to them if they try to intervene or tell anyone. Yes,it means that Alec risked his life by telling Lucy.

"We-we need t-to g-go ba-back to Bren-brenda's house. They need t-to kn-know" Ella stutters as she shivers. Alec nods numbly before following Ella out the door.

They ignore the neighbour's judgemental eyes and climb in the car,driving of to the Banes' household to tell them the dreaded news.

Never has it been this bad.

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