Chapter 3

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As we make our way downstairs, all eyes fall on us. My breathing stops as I desperately clutch on Nora's arm. I'm literally holding on for dear life. If I let go, I'm pretty sure I'll need surgery for my nose and my ankles.

And who switched the music off?

Guys have their jaws on the floor and girls glare at us in envy.

One guy even trips over air because he wasn't looking at where his was going, instead his eyes were focused on Nora and I's boobs.


As soon as our heels touch the last step, the party resumes though some people still have their eyes trained on me and Nora.

My eyes connect with Cole's grey ones and I swear I saw them darken. My breathing-that I still can't seem to get back-surprisingly hitches and butterflies swarm my tummy. For some reason, I feel good now that Cole is looking at me.

My mouth decided to move on it's own as it curved into a smirk and my right eye had a stroke for a second.

Oh no wait I winked.

Wait, I what?

Why would I wink at Cole! Oh my god I'm so stupid. Why did I even do that?

Cole smirks at my actions. He whispers something to his friend and makes his way to us. Or maybe me? I don't really know.

I mentally kick myself for acting so stupid. I practically called the predator over and I'm his prey.

"Ladies" Cole greets, blessing us with his dazzling smile. I think I farted. Oh god.

"Hey Cole" Nora flirts, batting her fake lashes at him but he pays no attention to it. Or maybe he did but is choosing to ignore her.


"Hello" I say. Ugh damnit my voice came out like I'm some female viking. I really hate it when my voice does that.

"Lucy, want to dance?" He ask, emphasising my name as if telling Nora that he is only here for me. I think my brain has malfunctioned.

I can't even...

"Lucy?" Cole calls again and I shake my head in hopes of waking my brain up but it's no use. The way he says my name has me melting.

"Uhm. Balls" I blurt. Good going Lucy! Well done! You have officially embarrassed yourself! Why did I even say that?

In my peripheral vision, Nora snorts and walks away.

Nooooo!! Nora wait! Don't leave me!!


Cole raises an eyebrow in amusement and chuckles at my malfunctioning.

"I mean, yes. I would be loved to dance with you. I mean I would love to dance with you. Yes, I will dance with you" I stutter, mentally cringing at myself. Talk about social shame.

He grabs my hand and pulls me to the make shift dance floor. Sparks shoot up my arm from his touch and it makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

Oh god I think my inside have turned into liquid. Did I even spray some perfume on me.

I discreetly sniff myself quickly. Thank heavens I did. I smell like vanilla and cookies. My favourite.

We reach the dance floor full of teens dancing. Well more like dry humping each other. I don't belong here. I can't twerk.

Cole places his large hands on my hips and pulls me flush against him. My hands fly onto his chest as I stare up in his eyes.

This feeling I'm getting from being so close to Cole has me worried. The butterflies are having a World War three in my stomach and I'm sweating even more now.

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