Chapter 12

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First thing I do when I hear the bell ring to indicate the end of school is to quickly pack my things, go to my locker and rush to Cole's car where I know he'll be.

As expected, I find him leaning on his car, laughing and joking around with his friends. Some girls are there giggling and batting their eyelashes like some aliens.


Max notices me determinedly walking over and nudges Cole. He looks at with confusion and ofcourse,amusement.

"I need to talk to you" I say, not beating around the bush. The males check me out with hungry eyes as the females galre at me in disgust. I simply ignore them and focus solemnly on Cole.

"Is it important?" He snorts.


"It concerns you so yes" I simply say, shrugging.

"What, is it about that amazing night?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Slightly, yes" I respond. He sighs, excusing himself from his friends before dragging me to the football field, where no one is.

"Spit it out. I have places to be and people to fuck" He impatiently says, looking around and checking if anyone is around.

"Did you use protection that night?" I nervously say, fiddling with my fingers. I lower my gaze,scared to even look at the eyes I unfortunately still like.

"Are you indirectly asking me whether I have a disease?" He grits.

I raise my head before shaking it frantically. "No no no. That's not where I'm going with this" I reassure him. My heart picks up again and I feel all sweaty. "I-I..I'm pregnant" I say, my voice barely above a whisper. I'm not even sure he heard me.

"What!" He yells.

Oh, well he heard me.

"I'm pregnant" I say, this time with a strong voice and my eyes staring directly into his.

He starts chuckling darkly and runs a hand through his tousled hair. "Your joking. This some sick joke" He mumbles, his breathing coming out panicked.

"No. No I'm not"

"Yes you are!" He yells and I flinch.

"I'm not, Cole. I really don't care whether you believe me or not but it's true. Your the first and only guy I've ever slept with. You and I both know I'm no slut" I seethe, narrowing my now teary eyes at him.

It hurts me to think that my future is completely ruined over someone like Cole. I'm not blaming him actually, I'm blaming myself. My stupidity and naiveness ruined my future.

I remove my bag from my back and look for the copied document and a positive pregnancy test and shove it to Cole, who keeps mumbling 'not again, not again. Dad's going to kill me.'

The tears I tried so hard to keep from falling have now escaped and are now moistening my cheeks. I close my bag and hoist it on my back again.

He skims over the paper and looks at the test in disbelief. His grip on the paper tightens, wrinkling it. He looks up at me with the most deadliest look that makes me want to cower away in fear but I stand my ground.

"Get. Rid. Of. It." He spits.

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do, Cole. Your not my father" I hiss. He roughly grabs my arms and pulls me to him. I yelp and squirm in his hold.

"I'm not playing around, Lucy. Get rid of it" He says, his voice lowering as I shiver at the sound of my name coming out his mouth.

Stop it, Lucy. This is not the time to be thinking about his plump lips.

"It's my body, Cole! Just because you don't want the baby doesn't mean you can dictate my life. You have no right!" I yell.

"It's my baby too, Lucy!" He roars. "And I don't want it!"

Both of our breathing is hard and mixed with the other's. Our lips are hovering over each other, if I move my head just a little,we would definitely be kissing.

Though I really do want to kis-

"Well well well" A familiar pitchy voice sings as the sound of heels gets louder with each of the person's step.

Great. Mindy's here.

"Look who we have here. The slut and my boyfriend. Already begging for him to take you back aye Lucy" She sneers, wrapping her claws around Cole's tense arm.

I shove Cole away from me to put some space between us before I do something I'll regret later. Cole shrugs her hand of and steps away from her.

"What are you doing here, Mindy?" Cole asks, even more pissed.

"Oh me?" She asks innocently, a claw on her chest. "I couldn't help but follow you two when I saw you dragging her here. I guess I did the right thing because I heard some pretty interesting things" She giggles as if she said the most funniest thing on earth.

I roll my eyes, already accepting my fate and take what's left of my confidence with me to my brother.

I angrily climb in the car and slam the door shut. Those two are so infuriating. No wonder, they're so perfect for each other.

"Hey, Lucy" Luke greets, having the audacity to give me a small smile. I'm mad at him too. Instead of being there as my brother,he says things to me and pretends as if I don't exist anymore. What brother does that?

Look, I get that he's mad but haven't I said it enough that it was a mistake? I'm already suffering as it is and Like is honestly making everything worse.

I scoff and roll my eyes, he sighs.

As soon as he parks the car on our driveway, I storm inside the house dialling mom's number with blurry eyes.

"Yes, sweetie?" Her motherly voice sounds thorugh the phone and I sob.

"He doesn't want anything to do with the baby. He thinks I'm lying. I'm scared mom. I don't think I can do this alone. I don't think I'll even be a good mom. I-I...I'm scared, mommy" I sob, not even sure I'm making any sense.

"Sweetie" She coos. "I'm so sorry. I'm sure if we maybe speak to his parents then he'll take responsibility" She says and I shake my head with a sniffle.

"No. No, don't do that"

"But sweetie, taking care of a baby is lots of work, are you sure you want to do this alone? Ofcourse your father, Luke and I are here to help and support you but that doesn't mean it won't get difficult. Whatever you decide sweetie, we will support you. I just want to make sure your ready to do this without him"

I almost scoff when she includes Luke but I refrain and focus on calming my sobs down.

"Yes, mom. I'm sure"

"Okay, sweetie. I'll see you after work, I need to get back to the meeting" She says.

"Okay. I love you" I whisper.

"Love you too, sweetie" She says then hangs up.

That wicked lady from Rapunzel was right.

Mother knows best.

Lucy Banes | ✔   UNEDITEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя