Chapter 8

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Mornings are normally the best part of the day for me. During school days, I would wake up with the sun peeking out the sky and the air would be crisp.

Usually teenagers hate waking up early just to go to hell aka school but before my life went down the drain, I would've enjoyed my morning.

Today, would be one of those days were I really wish I didn't wake up.

As soon as my eyes opened, I felt bile rising up my oesophagus and I sprinted to the bathroom. Turbo the snail would have been jealous of my speed if he saw me.

Vomiting isn't something that I can say I do when I'm sick or something. Even if I've eaten the most disgusting thing or saw something disgusting,I wouldn't vomit. I just don't do that.

Sure it's normal but to me it would indicate something very bad. Bad as in I could have cancer. Now, I know you might be rolling your eyes over how I'm exaggerating and that it should be normal for me to puke but it's the truth.

What if I do have cancer?

Lucy, stop being so stupid. You don't have cancer. Maybe you ate something worth puking for or you caught the stomach bug. It'll blow over.

I cringe as the contents of last night's dinner swirls and disappears in the toilet.


Deciding to start getting ready for school, I brush my teeth before jumping in the shower.

Showers can be so relaxing sometimes.

I get dressed in some black ripped jeans and Luke's blue hoodie with a white tank top underneath incase it becomes too hot. I pair my outfit with my combat boots and french braid my hair.

I walk out my room and make my way to the kitchen to make myself some cereal. I'm too drained to make real breakfast.

30 minutes later, Luke sleepily walks down the stairs in his boxers and mumbles a good morning to me as he pours milk in a bowl before pouring the cereal.

Psychopath. Who pours the milk first?

I'm too tired to lecture him about his weird ways so I let it slide.

"What are you doing up so early? Your usually showering at this time" He says,btaking a seat beside me on one of the barstools mom bought two Christmases ago.

"Ran out of sleep" I mumble, lazily stirring what's left of my breakfast.

"What?" He fakes a gasp and places a hand on his heart as his jaw slacks and his eyes widen. "Lucy Banes ran out of sleep? That's new. She usually doesn't run out of it" He says.

I roll my eyes at him and grab my now empty bowl before washing it in the sink.

"What, no sarcastic come back? What have you done with my sister, you imposter?" He says, pointing an accusing finger at me and his eyes shooting daggers at me.

I bite my lip to refrain from snapping at him. I stomp to the living and angrily plop on the couch to watch some tv.

He's so annoying. Why can't he just shut the hell up and stop being such a pain in the ass? Am I not allowed to not respond to him now? Who does he think he is? The president?


"Did you get a good fuck last night, whore?" A voice in the crowd says as I walk into AP Chemistry. I ignore their comments and take my seat at the front of the class.

Yup, in every class I sit in the front where I 'belong.' I work alone and honestly, I don't mind. I don't have to worry about the other person messing up and making us fail. I've always been kinda independent.

The only things actually bothering me about all of this is my best friend's betrayal, Cole's lies and practical rejection,the name calling and the way people avoid me as if I carry the plague. Everything else doesn't hurt me. Okay it does but not that bad.

As I'm doing my practical, I hear Nora and Mindy share the latest gossip. Me.

"I can't believe I actually hung out with someone like her. I'm so disappointed in myself" Nora says, not even trying to whisper or be discreet. Her words cut through my heart causing immense pain. Hearing my ex-best friend who I've know my whole highschool life say such awful things hurts like hell.

It's as if my opinion doesn't matter to her. My side of the story doesn't matter to her because Cole's story is more relevant. But ofcourse, he has never lied.

"I was wondering when you'd stop being friends with her and join us,the more popular people, where you actually belong" Mindy says. I roll my eyes at her annoying pitchy voice.

"I was going to join you sooner or later, Mindy. I was just waiting for the right moment and I guess her secret skanky ways helped me realise who she really is"

"Yeah, a slut who doesn't know how to keep her legs closed" They giggle at Mindy's comment before going on about the latest Gucci boots and other famous expensive clothes.


Lunch goes the same way it does with Mindy making me feel even more disappointed with myself by reminding me of my horrid mistake. The school ofcourse laughing at her stupid jokes and Cole adding a few here and there.

I couldn't eat because I didn't have an appetite, surprisingly. Plus, I don't think I'd be able to keep the food down after today morning's events.

Next thing I know the bell rings, signalling the end of the day and I'm rushing to my parent's car to get home as fast as I can.

"Are you okay,vLucy?" Is the first thing Luke asks as soon as I jump in the car, his face one of concern and worry.

"Yeah" I breathe, slightly out of breath from the sprinting I just did.

"Your lying to me, Lucy. You've been behaving weird and quiet since Monday. Tell me what's bothering you" He says after being quiet for some time while pulling up our driveway. I didn't even notice we were home.

"Leave me alone, Luke" I snap, climb out the car and slam the door shut. I angrily stomp inside the house and go to my room.

His heavy footsteps follow me up the stairs and his eyes glaring at the back of my head. What does he want from me?

"I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me what's going on with you" He says, angry and annoyed as he gently spins me around.

"God, nothing is going on with me, Luke. Just go away" I say, annoyed by his mere presence.


"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, LUKE!" I scream, gripping my hair. My breathing is hard and heavy, I'm sure steam is coming out my nose and ears.

He throws me one last glare before slamming my door on his way out.

Ugh. He's such a nuisance.

All my anger turns into sadness and I fall on my knees and break down. I sob, cry and scream as I release my sadness.

I must've fell asleep on the floor when I feel my brother's arms picking me up and softly place me on my bed. I open my eyes a little and give him a small sad smile.

He smiles back but it doesn't reach his eyes and kisses my head before walking out.

I don't mean to worry him but I just don't want him to know about what's going in my life. I know I should tell him but...I just can't.

I just hope he understands and that he forgives me.

I'd hate to lose him too.

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