Chapter Six *Edited*

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Move out of your comfort zone

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Move out of your comfort zone.

You can only grow if you are willing

to feel awkward and uncomfortable

when you try something new.

~Brian Tracy

Chapter 6.

To say I'm calm as we're getting ready for a night out at a club would be an understatement. I'm losing my mind while acting cool in front of Zoey. For the first time in my life, I'm putting on eyeliner, and my hand is anything but steady. I'll be surprised if it turns out half-decent.

"Girl, chill. You look like you're on the verge of having a stroke." Zoey jokes, standing above me.

I drop the eyeliner on the vanity table as if I touched fire and shield my trembling hand from her view.

"It's not that, I'm not nervous. Me? Never! It's the first time I'm applying eyeliner, my hand is not cooperating." My nervous laugh does me no justice to make my point believable.

Zoey snatches the eyeliner before I grab it and hold it above her head. "You can have it if you answer truthfully. Are you agreeing with my plans because you don't want to disappoint me? If that's the case, don't do it. Decide for yourself. That's the only way you won't disappoint me. If we went out and I was the only one having fun, it would be a bummer, wouldn't it?"

How do I answer when I don't know what I want?

I've never gone to a club, but from what I've seen from others, I'm in no hurry to experience a hungover or the pressure to accept a drink. What's the catch? I'm afraid of change, so if it were up to me, I'd stick to my comfort zone and never get out of it.

"I want to go." I blurt out, biting my tongue to stop myself from withdrawing my last words.

I hope I won't regret this.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," Zoey assures me, but there's no need. I'm not worried about me. I'm no one important. Whereas she is a Luna, I'd be in trouble if something happened to her.

She reassuringly squeezes my shoulder and plops on my bed, finishing her makeup.

I distract myself with the beauty products Zoey helped me buy earlier today, applying whatever techniques I remember from when I was twelve years old and into makeup.

"Do I look okay?" I ask Zoey, showcasing my attempt at putting on makeup for the first time in years.

Zoey approaches me and examines my face closely. "Yes, but let me add something. Close your eyes, please."

I close my eyes, allowing myself to be at her mercy.

A few minutes later, Zoey permits me to open my eyes. "Take a look at the mirror."

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