Chapter Fifty

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The greater your storm,

the brighter the rainbow.



I observe my tiny baby bump showing due to my bodycon dress. It's enormous if you think how far along I am. Maybe it's because it's an Alpha baby. Alpha babies are generally more developed than regular babies or werewolf babies. It doesn't matter to me. All I care about is for it to be healthy. The doctor says everything seems to be good, and the baby is developing nicely. We make sure to talk and read to the baby. Our mothers said it's a great way to bond with the baby. All of us can't wait until we get to meet our bundle of joy.

 All of us can't wait until we get to meet our bundle of joy

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"Are you ready, love? Everyone's waiting for us." "I'll be out in a minute," I answer Chris. I apply lipgloss to my lips and put on my earrings. I check myself in the mirror and straighten my dress. "I'm ready, baby," I exclaim as I open the bathroom door. Chris is sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. He glances up from his phone and smiles as soon as he sees the bump. "How is our little king feeling?" He rubs my baby bump and kisses the side of my head. "He could be a she as well." I remind him. Chris thinks the baby will be a boy, but I beg to differ. My gut feeling leans towards a baby girl. "We'll see." We will indeed see in less than five months.

We walk the trail leading to the field hand in hand. We take the time to admire our surroundings and enjoy the peacefulness they're providing us. When we get to the gathering, and the pack sees my bump, they'll hover over me. I love the attention, but having people fawning over me and wanting to touch my stomach will be overwhelming. Zoey will for sure chase me around. She and Cathrine will be an incredible duo. That is if only the both of them can make it tonight. I talked to Cathrine on the phone, and she said she'll come. I couldn't get hold of Zoey, so I told Chris to contact Xavier, her mate. I still don't know the outcome. "Will Zoey and Xavier be here?" "Who?" Chris questions, confused. "Alpha Redstone and his mate," I clarify. I've talked about them to Chris, but they still haven't met. Chris said he has already met Xavier in an Alpha meeting and when the war was happening, but he hasn't seen Zoey anywhere. "I talked with Alpha Redstone on the phone. He said they'll try to to be here tonight, but he doesn't know if that's plausible." Dang it! I was excited to see them tonight. Chris can tell I was affected a bit, but he doesn't comment on it.

"Sophia!" Cathrine cries out in joy. She pulls me in a tight hug. "You didn't tell me you were pregnant!" "Well, I was going to surprise you today." "You dang right did!" I laugh and say, "Good to see you too, Cathrine." She matches Zoey's energy so well. "How far along are you?" "I'm nearing the end of my first trimester." "So just five months to go?" I nod. In five months, I will be able to hold my baby in my arms. For other people, pregnancies last approximately nine months, but for Alpha babies, it's one month less, hence the five months left. She, like her brother, rambles about all the things she'll buy and teach the baby. I think they're both missing the point. They won't be able to teach the baby anything for a few months.

As soon as we enter the field, there is an LED screen that says "WE'RE PREGNANT". Gasps erupt from the crowd. Most people are screaming in joy, holding onto each other. "It can't be your baby! I refuse to believe so!" The fudge? The commotion stops, and everyone is looking around, trying to pinpoint the person yelling these things. A redhead woman in her early thirties is running toward Chris at full speed. "It's not your baby! It must be Chase's. Her true mate's!" She spits out. It puzzles me how much hatred she is showing toward me when I don't even know her. "That's Serenity." Cathrine whispers in my ear. "She has had a crush on Chris for the longest time." Tough luck my friend. Maybe next time! As if Chris would abandon me for that bimbo. "Guards! Take her to the dungeons, and I'll deal with her later." Chris orders firmly. It wasn't probably the brightest idea to claim our baby's father is Chase. Chris detests him, and it's a struggle holding him back before he attacks him during his trial.

I didn't tell you, did I? Chase, his mate/witch, and his whole gang are on trial. We all wanted to kill them right then and there, but we knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Everyone deserves a trial, no matter what they must have done. Execution is too easy for the crimes they have committed. We're thinking life in a dungeon is more suitable. Of course, they are going to be heavily guarded at all times, and the dungeon will be special because she's a witch. Although this doesn't erase the pain they have caused, it is a way to get some closure and move on.

"Boo!" Someone whispers-shouts in my ear. I look behind me, and it's Zoey. "Congratulations, bestie!" She says as she pulls me in a hug. I feel as if something is blocking us, and it's not only my stomach. I pull away and look at her stomach. She has a baby bump, and it's way bigger than mine. "You're pregnant too?" I exclaim in surprise. She nods frantically. "Why didn't you tell me? How far along are you?" " I wanted to call you as soon as I found out, but the war was happening, and I didn't want to distract you. I'm, now, seven months along, and we're expecting a baby boy." I congratulate her and also congratulate Xavier. He looks ecstatic to be a father. I've known him for a little while, and I've never seen him so happy.

After the congratulations and the greetings, we all sit at our designated seats enjoying a night with delicious food, a clear sky, and good company. Hopefully the next time we will be all together, we will have our little children with us. Whatever the gender, our little children will get along so well, just like we did. My whole life was a lie. I was around people that were malicious and greedy. I was lucky to have come across such nice and generous people in my time of need. I don't know if I would be sitting here if it weren't for them. The best part of our lives is just beginning, and I can't wait to find what's in store for us.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry I've been MIA, but it was for a good reason

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Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry I've been MIA, but it was for a good reason.

I don't know if you have noticed, but I have edited the book a little bit. There were quite a few foolish mistakes, and I'm sorry for that.

I have decided to try my luck for once in my life. So, a while back when I was about to update this story, there a was banner saying that my story is almost eligible for the watches. At first, I was laughing at it, but then I decided to try it. I figured it was a good way to step out of my comfort zone. Wish me luck!

I will be posting the final chapter in a few hours. But don't worry, I will have a lot of bonus chapters coming your way.

Thank you so much for reading my book! It's been a blast seeing how much love it has been receiving. I love you so much, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter. Bye!

I love you, I hate you (Re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now