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Families are like
branches on a tree.
We grow in different
directions yet our
roots remain as one.

"Chris,  can you get me some strawberry ice cream, please?" I ask as I'm munching on some doritos. My cravings are all over the place.  Some times it's hard to keep track of them.  Chris is always there to satisfy every single one of my cravings.  Rarely, but he tries eating some of my weird ones. Most of them he doesn't like,  but the baby wants what it wants. 

It's not too long until I give birth.  I'm only a couple of weeks away.  A few months earlier,  Zoey gave birth to a handsome baby boy named Elijah.  We have yet to meet him in person,  but we'll probably reunite when I have given birth. I'm unable to travel anywhere. I try walking a little bit because my gynecologist says it'll be good for the birth. But my feet hurt!  They're swollen, and I mostly walk around bare foot. Of course,  only in the house. Outside I wear slippers or trainers. Chris ties the laces because I can't bend. My stomach is blocking the way.

"But we have ice cream in the freezer,"  "Yes,  but it's vanilla ice cream. The baby wants strawberry ice cream!" He sighs,  but eventually gives in. "I'm going, I'm going." "You're the best!" He kissesy forehead,  grabs his wallet and runs out the door. I sit back in the couch,  rubbing my belly,  content that in a little while I'll eat my ice cream.

As I sit on the couch watching gossip girl, an intense pain interrupts my binge watching. Maybe it's Braxton Kicks. My doctor has warned about them.  She said that they're common when you're nearing the end of the pregnancy. I get up slowly to go find my mother when I hear a splash. The floor underneath me is wet. I think my water just broke! "Mum! Dad!"  I scream at the top of my lungs. "What is it? Did anything happen?" Mum asks as both mine and Chris's parents enter the room in a rush,  breathless from running down the stairs. "I think it's happening! I'm in labor!" Dad immediately goes into shock. I guess no matter how many births he has witnessed,  he still gets scared. "Somebody call Chris,  and I'll call the doctor."  Mum instructs. Chris's mum takes the lead, and calls her son. Our fathers are staring at my belly and at the floor in shock. Good thing we have our mothers!

Ten minutes later my doctor,  Meghan is here. She's checking how much I'm dilated as I lay in bed. I decided not to take the epidural. I read online that it's better for the baby. I'll probably regret later on, I'll have to endure it. It would be even better if Chris was here! He left twenty minutes ago, and he's still not back. He's not answering his phone, and his mind link is blocked. What is going on with this man? "Any news on Chris?" I ask my mum breathlessly.  My mother shakes her head as she wipes the sweat from my forehead.  "Your father is out looking for him."  If your wondering where Chris's father is.  Well, he is currently unconscious. His mate is taking care of him. When this is over,  we'll definitely look back on this and laugh. I would be laughing right now if I wasn't in extreme pain." You're 10 cm dilated!" Meghan exclaims as more nurses start pouring in the room. "It's time for you to push."  I shake my head.  I can't do it if Chris is not here! He is supposed to be here to hold my hand. "Chris,"  I exclaim breathlessly. "He has to be here." Mum quickly exits the room, looking for Chris. 

"I'm here!"  Chris says,  burging in the room. "I'm sorry for being late!" I glare at him, and he shuts up. He went out because of me,  yes. But it was his fault that he wasn't carrying his phone with him,  or he blocked the mind link.  Why did he block it? "Why were you late?" "You'll see later." He brushes me off,  but Meghan interrupts me before I can properly put him in his place. "It's time for you to push."

It was a good twenty minutes until our little bundle of joy entered the world. The screams fill the room as I lay down trying to catch my breathe. "Congratulations, mum and dad. It's a healthy girl!" They call for Chris to cut the umbilical cord,  and he does so with trembling hands. They place her on my bare chest for some skin-to-skin contact. "She's so beautiful!"  Chris says in awe. It's early to say who she takes after, but right now she is a perfect mix of us. "We'll clean her up, check if everything is fine,  and we'll bring her right back to you."

They place me in a hospital room to rest,  and everyone is piling in. Our families are here,  and also Zoey is here. "OH my Gosh! Is this little Elijah?" She nods,  and places him in my arms. "Say hello to your Godmother,  Elijah!"  "You want me to be his Godmother!" I ask.  Maybe it's the hormones, but I'm tearing up. "You're my best friend, and I'll be honored if you could be his Godmother."  I nod.  "It would be my honor!"

The burse enters with the baby,  and places her in my now empty arms. They all surround me trying to catch a glimpse of our little princess. "What is her name?" I look at her wondering brown eyes,  and kiss her little forehead. "Say hello to Stella Evelina." I exclaim. Everyone admires her, and whispers sweet words to her. "I'll step out for a little while," Chris says,  and I look at him weirdly. They have just brought us our baby, and he's leaving? What is he up to? I don't want to spoil the mood so I don't say anything.

Ten minutes pass,  and still there's no sight of Chris. I try not show how bothered I am,  but my mum has already figured it out. Just when I'm about to mind link him he is back. He's not alone, though. Mariah and Constantine are trailing behind him,  holding hands. They run to my bed,  and are trying to climb to my bed and see the baby. Chris lifts them both on the bed,  and they stare at her in wonder. "Mariah,  Constantine. This is your little sister,  Stella." Chris says,  and I look at him astonished. "What are you doing?" I mind link him. "I knew you wanted to adopt, but you were afraid to tell me. I wanted to adopt them too. I figured this is the best time to give you this present." I smile at him, and blow him a kiss. This is the best present I have received. Mariah and Constantine are amazing children and Ai haven't stopped thinking about them. I'm so happy to get to call them my son and daughter. I'll never take their parents' sake,  but I'll try to love them selflessly, and provide everything for them.

As I stare at the family surrounding me and my baby, I can't help but feel grateful. My life may have started with obstacles, but I'm surrounded by people that love me wholeheartedly.  I have three beautiful children and a loving mate.  I had a "mate" I loved and hated,  but now I have a ture mate that I love with all my heart.  What more can I ask for?

Thank you so much for joining me in this journey! This story has reached its ending! It's a happy ending as promised

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Thank you so much for joining me in this journey!
This story has reached its ending! It's a happy ending as promised.
There many more bonus chapters coming your way. They'll only be good moments that Chris and Sophia will experience. Please look out for them!
I'm so sorry if you notice any mistakes, but my laptop broke down on me so I had to use my phone.
I love you so much and thank you for the infinite love you've shown to the Story. I pray I'm worthy of it!
Have a good rest of your day,  and may God bless you! ❤️❤️❤️

I love you, I hate you (Re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now