Chapter 26

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I sat in our usual Slytherin carriage staring out of the window, still raging from the party last week. Seeing him making a spectacle with my girl it makes my blood boil every time I think about it.

Still raging from my given task, kill Dumbledore one of the greatest wizards to live. It's a blatant suicide mission he thinks he's funny we'll see who's laughing when I go through with it.

I thought back to this time last year things were absolutely dreadful but I'd give anything to go back to that. I'd leave her alone to heal ignore my selfish desperation to have her back, and then I'd take her away. Away from all of this and have her to myself, being back at school doesn't even cause me any relief.

We still can't touch each other and we have to pretend we are nothing to each other around other people.

My eyes drifted to the carriage doors being opened Elara strolled in with Pansy, Daphne and Blaise. Her eyes widened when she saw me she let Pansy and Daphne slide in then took the seat furthest away from me. We avoided eye contact for the rest of the journey.

In the great hall Elara rushed to Salvatore who stood to greet us, she jumped in to his arms and he swung her around. I tensed my jaw and took my seat, he glanced curiously at me when they sat in front of me and I scowled at him. "Why do I have a terrible sense of Deja Vu are you two on the outs still?" He asked.

I scoffed and Elara ran her hands through her hair "Yeah something like that" she looked at the floor as he rubbed her arm.

"So.. did anyone get up to anything nice this summer?" Salvatore asked all of us and Elara smiled at her plate then looked up at him "We all went on holiday together to Spain. Partied, shopped and sunbathed, it was amazing" she beamed making my heart skip. Amazing doesn't even come close to describing that week.

Pansy and Blaise shared knowing glances with each other then at me, right. We got marked he doesn't know that yet.

I felt myself visibly pale when Dumbledore took to the front of the hall I looked down at my plate my chin trembling slightly. I felt something touch my leg under the table, I glanced up at Elara who looked at me with teary eyes.

I nodded my head discreetly fuck, I love you I physically tried to force the thought in to her head and she gasped silently. I furrowed my brows when she stared intensely back at me I love you more I heard loud and clear in my head as her mouth didn't even twitch.

I smirked at my plate in front of me, this was a comforting revelation. Your room tonight, I'm going to have you ride my face.

She choked on her own saliva, coughing to clear her throat as Salvatore smacked her on the back and a few eyes in the hall turned towards her. She sent them all daggers to mind there own fucking business and I held back a chuckle. My girl.

Back in the common room I laid back on the sofa my arms spread out behind me along the back of the sofa, watching as Elara caught up with Salvatore properly on the sofa opposite me.

My heart rate spiked when a girl I'd shagged a few times before break sauntered over to us, I couldn't even recall her name and I don't know what I was thinking seeing her now next to Elara she looked comparable to a fucking thestral. Shit.

"Hey Draco I missed you over summer you didn't write me" she pouted taking a seat on the arm of the sofa next to me. I didn't miss Elara scowling at her and clenching her fists.

"I was a bit preoccupied" I replied bluntly as Blaise snorted next to me.

"Well are you preoccupied now?" She smiled at me and my eyes flicked to Elara who had her tongue in her cheek, her leg shaking up and down impatiently looking at Salvatore who looked ready to hold her down when she blew her top.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt