Chapter 10

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My lips parted slightly as the tension between us sizzled, Draco flashed through my thoughts as I broke the contact closing my eyes and looking to the floor. "I'm sorry" I shook my head.

He cleared his throat "Sorry for what?" He said as he took a sip from his drink looking at me over the rim of his glass. The corner of my mouth curled as I hopped down from the bar "It's late I'm going to go to bed" I said as I walked away.

"Goodnight Lala" He smirked as I shot him a glare over my shoulder.


A week later I was laid around the pool sunbathing when Dilly strolled through the Veranda doors "Dilly has letters for Miss Elara from home" my stomach dropped. She handed me the letters, one from each of my best friends and one from him.

Daphne, Pansy and Blaise letting me know they were going to floo to me at the beginning of August two weeks away and one month before we are due back at Hogwarts.

I contemplated opening Draco's letter for at least two hours leaving it on the table next to my lounger trying to pretend it wasn't there. I snapped it up and opened the seal my hands shaking as I started reading.


I hope you're doing okay, I understand why you left I should have respected your wishes to be left alone. I miss you so much and there isn't a moment that goes by that I don't think of you.

I love you El I swear it I do and I'll wait as long as it takes for you to forgive me if you ever do.

I meant it when I said I wanted to marry you one day you're the only one for me I couldn't imagine a life without you.

I hope to see you soon,
Draco x

I stared at the letter until I realised it was covered in wet spots from the tears streaming down my face. I covered my mouth to try and stem the sick feeling washing over me. Asher strolled through the back gate and froze when he noticed my state.

"What's happened?" He asked as he wearily came over to me, I handed him the note and watched his facial expressions as he read it.

He scrunched up his nose in disgust "He really can't just leave you alone to heal can he, you were doing so good. I've never heard of a more selfish prick in my life" He seethed.

I nodded my head in agreement "Sounds about right I'm sure he thinks I'm going to return to Hogwarts and everything will be hunky dory again he's got another thing coming. Nothing will ever be the same again I'll heal but I'll never forget or forgive" I sighed. He rubbed his hand up and down my arm.

"You're strong Lala I don't doubt you'll eat him alive when the time comes" he laughed.

I leant back on my lounger staring out to the beach when I sat up suddenly "Let's go get a tattoo and maybe a piercing" I clapped as he widened his eyes at me.

"Your father will skin me alive are you insane?" He gasped as I laughed.

"What father doesn't know won't hurt him" I wiggled my eyebrows at him he sighed rubbing his hands over his face "Fine get dressed then" he said as his eyes raked over my bikini clad body.

We apparated to the intended shop when he pulled my arm "Are you sure about this Lala?" He worried I nodded my head "I'm going to get a small snake right here" I told him pointing to the area just below the centre of my breasts as he blushed I leaned a little closer "And I'm getting my nipple pierced" I jumped up and down in excitement.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now