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May 6, 2025

'I like the idea of doing both a boxy fit coat and a boxy fit jacket. People have more options that way, and the trousers will pair nicely with both.' I tell Tess and Sam. Recently, our design team - these two included, have been working tirelessly on the pieces for our latest collection. At the moment, they're sketching red corduroy jackets, coats and trousers, individually adorned with unique patches and appliques.

'I think you're right.' Tess replies, making a note on a separate piece of paper that says 'boxy'.

'It's in line with Bode to make different pieces with the same textiles and fit, and it gives a variety. The patches will make each piece unique anyway.' Sam, our lead designer, says, analysing some of the samples we've been given for the patches.

'I agree, I think it's variety, more than an oversaturation.' I nod, agreeing with Sam. While the three of us continue to discuss the three sketches laid out on the table, I hear familiar footsteps and my phone ringtone coming from behind me, and then Alanah's voice.

'Sophie, it's Niall calling.' She says, handing me my phone. 'I didn't want to bother you, but this is the third time he's called, and I'm getting sick of listening to the ringing.' She continues with a teasing smile. Alanah is Emily and my assistant, who is really much more like a friend who works for us.

'Thank you.' I laugh, taking the phone from her outstretched hand. 'I'm going to have to love you and leave you, but these look great. Let me know what the studio team says about the outerwear designs.' I quickly tell Sam and Tess, answering the phone and walking back up to the stairs to my shared office with Emily, who is currently somewhere other than here in preparation for the Met Gala tonight. 

'Hi Niall, what's going on?' I ask, climbing the stairs and watching Alanah walk away to give me some privacy, blowing me a kiss as she does it. Living in New York means I don't get to see Niall as much as I'd like, but we always make the effort to stay in touch. However, he's usually not calling me in the middle of the work day and I have no idea what would have gotten him so hasty today.

'Soph, I'll tell you what. I've called you a fair few times, because this is really good news and it's taken you this long to get back to me.' He says, and despite the fact I haven't seen him in nearly a year, I can tell he's grinning. 'I'm really happy.'

'I'm glad to hear that. What's made you so happy?' I laugh. As I reach the top of the staircase, my eyes land on our corkboard where sketches are pinned for our Met Gala design tonight.

'Amelia and I are together again. Said we needed the time apart, but she misses me, and god knows I've missed her.' He tells me, and I break into a grin at the news.

Niall and Amelia are soulmates, they always have been and it's no secret he never got over her, but they've been broken up for the last year. During One Direction's second tour, Amelia was insanely busy with her work and wasn't able to visit Niall on tour. As a result, the distance took a toll on them. I think Amelia realised she wanted to settle down with Niall, but with him touring and being so busy, it wasn't something he could give her, and they slowly grew apart.

But now, a year later, One Direction has taken a break from recording and releasing music, after 4 years of working so hard, and Niall is ready to settle down too. In my opinion, it was the perfect example of right person, wrong time.

'Wow! Really? That's great!' I grin, so ecstatic and wishing I could see him and give him a hug. I've rooted for the two of them from the day he told me he liked her, and was just as disappointed as he was that they'd broken up. Niall and I spent hours on the phone for months after the breakup, from his hotel rooms all over the world. He was heartbroken, and felt like he'd never find someone as perfect for him as Amelia. 'Did you talk everything out and you're both on the same page?'

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