Chapter 4

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We exchange our thanks with the hosts and production team behind Sunrise, and I can tell by now that Harry's happy facade is only going to last so long, and he's nearly run out.

On our drive back from the studio, I can really tell something isn't right with Harry. I'm not sure if he's tired, needs coffee and food or if there's something else going on, but I hate seeing Harry like this, and usually an iced Americano does the trick.

'Do you want me to ask your driver to stop and I can grab us some coffees and breakfast?' I ask

'Yeah, that would be good. Thanks', he sadly responds. I try to ignore his upset tone, and decide not to question him on it. I can tell that he doesn't want to talk about whatever is bothering him.

I ask the driver to stop over at the nearest coffee shop. As I jump out of the car and walk into the small cafe, numerous fans come up and ask questions and ask to take pictures.

'Where's Harry?'

'Not here at the moment' I reply with a smile.

'Are you and Harry dating?' I hear at least 5 girls ask.

'No haha! Guys, I'm his assistant!'

'Is Harry excited for his show tomorrow?' One girl excitedly questions.

'Always. His passion is performing. He's very excited to see you all.'

'Can we get an autograph?'

'Of course!' I slip my purse into my bag and write a small 'Sophie' with a heart on one girl's phone case.

After the impromptu meet and greet is over, I walk into the coffee shop. After staring at the menu for what seems like forever, I decide on a fruit salad each, and order an iced black coffee for myself, and an iced Americano for Harry.

I smile for a few more photos and answer some more questions from the fans while I wait for the coffees to be made, and quickly dash out of the cafe as soon as I grab my order. Harry's mood always rubs off on me, and I can tell my smile isn't as genuine anymore.

When I make it back to the car, Harry has his head resting on the window with his eyes closed, and it doesn't take me long to realise he's fallen asleep. I guess I was gone for longer than I realised. His usual soft face is tarnished with a frown, and I find myself brushing a curl off his cheek.

I sit in silence for the rest of the drive back, and just as the car stops out the front of our hotel and I lean over to wake Harry, he begins to stir and slowly opens his eyes.

'We're back. I got you a fruit salad and an iced Americano. I hope that's okay.' I say nervously. I feel like I'm walking on thin ice and I don't want to upset Harry further. He responds with a small sleepy smile, and we get out of the car together.

We walk through the lobby and ride the elevator in silence, and my worries about Harry's mood begin to get the best of me.

'Harry, are you alright? I can tell you're not and I care about you too much to just let you wallow.' I quietly comment when we reach our room.

'It's nothing. Drop it, Sophie.' he tells me as he unlocks the door. I can feel tears pricking my eyes, and I don't know why I'm all of a sudden so sensitive. To avoid crying in front of Harry, I choose to say nothing. I place down his drink and fruit salad on the small table below the TV, grabbing my own from the bag and coffee tray and sit down on the bed. Before I can even get a bite in, Harry announces that he's leaving and going for a walk.

'Harry, you can't just leave. There are fans everywhere and you're going to get swarmed even before you make it out of the lobby.'

'Why do you care, Sophie? Stop worrying about me like I'm your son. Go sort out your new room while I'm gone if it's so important!' He snaps. For the second time in the last five minutes I feel the tears welling in my eyes and look away before he can see them, while listening to the slam of the door behind me.

For someone who was so hungry moments ago, I've seemingly lost my whole appetite. I know that Harry is right and I need to go sort out my new room, but I can't force myself to get up off the bed. Harry and I have had disagreements before, but he's never been so harsh and I've never been so affected by his words. I find myself crawling under the sheets of the shared bed and curling up into a fetal position, and before I know it I'm drifting off to sleep with the scent of Harry's cologne filling my senses.


My eyes shoot open and I sit up to check my phone. Fuck. It's 6pm. How did I sleep for so long? Remembering the events that led me to fall asleep, I scan the room for any sign of Harry and realise he's still gone and hasn't come back. His untouched salad and coffee are still exactly where I left them and the room is just as it was before I fell asleep.

I start to panic. A signature trait of mine. Where the hell is Harry? Shit. I don't know what got into him this morning and I don't give myself time to think about it before I'm dialing and redialing his number, only to hear his voicemail over and over again. Harry has never ever been gone for so long without telling me where he is, and this has got my stress levels going through the roof. I'm in for an early death at the level of stress Harry is putting me under right now.

So many of Harry's fans are incredible, but there are a few thorns among the roses, and as the minutes pass by I start to consider the fact that something seriously bad has happened to Harry. Two months ago Harry was robbed at knifepoint, and that was easily the worst day of my life. 

Just as the rapid beating in my chest starts to scare me, I hear some fumbling coming from behind the door and I turn my head to watch Harry stumble through. A wave of calm instantly washes over me, and even in just his presence all my nerves dissipate.

It doesn't take me much longer to realise that he wasn't just being clumsy. He's drunk..actually, scratch that. He's beyond fucking wasted.

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