Chapter 17

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I wake up, but keep my eyes closed. I roll over to snuggle closer to Harry..but he's not there. My eyes snap open instantly, and as just discovered, the bed is empty. Before I even have time to process Harry's absence, my alarm starts ringing. 8am and Harry is missing. This day is already off to a great start. A few seconds later, I hear the door opening and bags rustling.

'Hi, did I wake you?' Harry asks. He's wearing a plain white tshirt, a long black jacket, black vans and a pink pair of pants today. It's clear he's been awake for a while, and I wonder how long ago he left.

'No, I just woke up a second ago though.' I smile. I'm certain I look like a wreck right now, especially compared to Harry.

'I got us breakfast' he says, passing me a paper bag.

'Thanks, you didn't have to do that.' I'm full grinning now, and although it's such a small gesture, I can't help but appreciate everything about Harry. I open the bag, and inside is an acai bowl with various toppings.

'Oh and this too.' He passes me a black coffee, while simultaneously sitting beside me with the same meal.

The breakfast is amazing, and I thank him again for getting up so early to buy us food. As much as I love being here on tour, I miss being home and having the ability to cook and live in a space with more rooms than just a bedroom. Even if the bedroom is the size of a house. When I tell Harry this, he gives me a little smirk and takes a bite out of a strawberry piece. Interesting response for such a simple comment, but Harry has never claimed he isn't slightly mysterious.

When we finish eating we only have an hour and a half before check out, so Harry leaves to go back to his room and pack. It was really a fatal error of mine to move rooms, but I didn't have the foresight to think we'd end up here by the end of the Sydney trip.


'You were supposed to call me..about Mitch.' Charlotte whispers while we stand in the crowded lobby beside our mounds of bags.

'Shit, sorry I forgot. Do you still want my answer or has my window of opportunity passed?'

'Yes of course I want it!' She frantically whispers.

'Well my answer is yes.' I laugh.

'Yes what? Yes he's interested or yes I'm just crazy?' I thought I was crazy for Harry, but Charlotte might have topped even me.

'Yes he's into you. You should've seen the way he was looking at you.'

'Really? You're one hundred percent certain?'

'Yes, I'm certain. Are you going to talk to him about it?' I ask. Charlotte and Mitch have always been good friends, but now I think about it, they'd work so well together. Charlotte's feisty personality and Mitch's humour would make for a hilarious couple.

'I'm not sure. I want to, but I don't know what do I even say? And what if he doesn't feel the same way and then I fuck up the friendship we already have?' For someone always so chill, she's extremely panicked right now. It's almost funny, but if I laugh she'll slap me.

'Maybe just see what happens while we're in Brisbane and go from there. It might all fall into place, otherwise you could always bring it up with him in New Zealand or even when the tour finishes. If it's meant to be, then it will work out. And for what it's worth, I think you'd be great together.' Considering my track record, I don't think I'm very certified to be giving advice, but I can try.

'Really?' She asks, skeptical.

'Yeah! You guys are so simil..' Harry cuts off my pep talk by coming up beside us. I don't think Charlotte would want Harry to know about this, if he couldn't already tell, which is why I chose to say nothing to him about it.

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