Chapter 36

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When I wake up to my ringing phone at 6am, I'm not on Harry's chest, and it hits me then that whatever happened last night did not get to the root of our problems. He's on the edge of the bed, his new favourite spot. It's been 3 mornings like this now, so I'm learning to grow used to it. While our conversation solved what appears to be some problems, it feels like there might just be a never ending hole.

The phone continues to ring, and soon enough I'm pulled out of the moment, a clear Charlotte on the screen.

'Sophie, I got myself into a situation.' She announces in panic, failing a simple greeting in typical Charlotte fashion. She sounds way too awake for so early in the morning.

'What? Is everything okay?' I ask, sitting up in the bed.

'I need you to meet me at the Walgreens on Wilshire Boulevard, I've done something very stupid.' She explains, and I start to panic with her.

'Yeah, okay. Why?' I ask frantically, stepping out of bed, careful not to wake Harry. I really wish this wasn't happening right now. Harry was so upset last night, to the point of getting completely wasted. Now I'm going to have to leave him again at a time when I want to stay with him the most.

'It's seriously so awkward, I'd really prefer to tell you in person.' She responds, and I can hear the traffic in the background.

'What do you want me to tell Harry? I can't just leave with no explanation.' I respond, trying to keep my voice low and desperately get given a solution as to what to tell him. I look over to Harry, who is fast asleep, holding a pillow to his chest. My stomach churns at the sight of the pillow, knowing that that used to be me.

'Shit! I forgot you'd be with him. I'm sorry, please don't tell him anything. Just say I need your help and that's it.' She asks. 'Meet me here as soon as you can please.' She adds in, hanging up, and I'm clearly left with no option. I'm not used to a stressed Charlotte, and if someone as confident as her felt too awkward to tell me something over the phone, then this has to be serious. Just as my luck would have it, Harry starts stirring in his sleep.

'Why are you awake?' Harry asks, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.

'Charlotte just called and said she needs me. I think I have to go to meet her.' I whisper, feeling more than guilty. I kiss him softly on the cheek, putting on a brave face to mask how bad I feel. I'm definitely downplaying the situation and I hate doing it, especially when we're so fragile.

'You're leaving?' He asks quietly, sounding almost defeated.

'Yeah, I am. Please sleep, I'm sure it won't be long.' I say, trying to reassure both of us.

'Why does she need you?' He asks, eyes fully open now and looking at me desperately. I sit down on the edge of the bed, and start tracing the two swallows peeking out from under the duvet.

'I don't know, she just said she needs me.' I'm repeating what I've already said again because I don't know what else to tell him. My insides twist at the silence in the room, and I can tell he's uncomfortable with what I've said.

'What if I need you?' He asks quietly, after a long pause. I want nothing more than to stay here with him forever but I can't just abandon Charlotte. His words rip my heart into so many pieces that I lose count.

'I'm so sorry Harry.' I whisper not knowing what else to say, brushing down one of his unruly curls. I hate seeing him like this, and I know I'm responsible for it. He was so upset last night, and I feel like it's all my fault. And now I'm doing it again, going off to someone else when he needs me.

'You don't have time for me.' He states, almost sounding like a realisation. His tone is stone cold, but his eyes have so much hopelessness in them. I'm on a clear time crunch to meet Charlotte, but I really can't afford to let us fall apart anymore. It was so stupid to think our conversation last night would solve everything. There's more issues, but I just don't know what they are. Harry never seems to want me at the studio, but right now it feels like the idea of me leaving is torture for him.

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