Chapter 8

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~Shuichi's POV~

"Let's start with a basic explanation of the class trial. Your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out 'whodunnit' then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong person. I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one who deceived everyone else will get to graduate from this academy! Also refusing to vote will result in your death, so ya better vote for someone." Monokuma exclaimed excitedly.

"I think we should discuss the cause of death first," Shirogane-San stated.

"It could've been a weapon that wasn't at the scene," Kiibo said.

"No that's wrong," I argued. "There were red marks around her neck that resembled a hand, she was probably choked to death."

"That sounds right. While I was making breakfast I heard screaming and loud gasps desperate for air," Kirumi agreed.

"Next, we should talk about everyone's alibis," Maki stated.

"Gonta and I were bug searching in the courtyard."

"Yeah, but Gonta sad we didn't find one."

"I was teaching Himiko self defense from all the degenerate males!"

"Nyeh? Yeah, that's right it was very tiring."

"Maki and I were looking around for Shuichi, so we could interrogate him."

"Yeah, but we had no luck."

"I was praying to Atua."

"I was stitching cosplay outfits in my room."

"I was making breakfast in the kitchen."

"Rantaro and I were walking around the academy."

"Yeah, it was nice and relaxing."

Rantaro looked a little tense for reminiscing about a good memory. I mean, I don't know much about what happened before I woke up in the trial. But I can still figure out Miu's killer thanks to the information he got. He's still very helpful even if he broke Kokichi. I feel like something was a little fishy about Korekiyo and Rantaro's statements. I don't know what it could be though.

"So, Tsumugi and Angie don't have alibis," Kokichi said.

"Wait, Atua says Saihara and Ouma didn't say their alibis," Angie defended, "Tell us, Atua will hear your confession!"

Confession? What even is his alibi?

"Saihara-Chan and I were in his room until he had to leave to get breakfast," Kokichi exclaimed.

He really is a life saver.

"What did you do on the way to the dining hall, Saihara-Kun?" Tsumugi questioned.

I don't know, I can't remember what he did. I saw Monokuma point at my pocket. I took out my Monopad and saw the answer.

"I ran into Rantaro, he confronted me."

"Okay can anyone vouch for Tsumugi's alibi?" Maki questioned.

Everyone stayed silent.

"What about Angie's?" Kaito asked.

"I'm a little skeptical about Rantaro and Korekiyo's statements," I said.

All four of them and many others started loudly arguing about the culprit.

"Rantaro and I were together the whole time!"

"I heard it," I exclaimed. "Were you guys really together the whole time? Rantaro confronted me before I went to the dining hall and I remember seeing him come out of the dining hall."

That was kind of a half lie, but who else could it be?

"Rantaro did you kill Miu?" Kirumi asked.

"Oh looks like you caught us, isn't it beautiful how humanity can pressure you like this?!" Korekiyo exclaimed.

"So you were an accomplice?" Maki asked.

Korekiyo nodded.

"Well if you did it then you should confess to us, degenerate male!"

"Well it happened so suddenly. I walked into the dining hall and saw Korekiyo and Iruma-San. My body moved on its own and I immediately choked Iruma-San to death. I thought Kokichi would continuously suffer if there wasn't another murder. So I just went for it. I begged Korekiyo to keep it a secret. But you guys caught me anyway."

"Welp, enough with the sappy stuff and let's vote!" Monokuma shouted.

I voted for Rantaro.

"Yup Miu was killed by Rantaro Amami who still doesn't remember his talent."

"Kokichi I'm sorry if you continue to suffer. Try your best to fight back, you're strong."

Kokichi nodded tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Oh well it's punishment time!!"


TW: Gore, death, and hallucinations

~Rantaro's POV~

I woke up in the middle of a forest. I saw a terrified Kokichi at the edge of the forest. I started to go over to him, but I felt an arrow graze my arm. I looked behind me and saw the arrow piercing a picture of one of my sisters. I got flashbacks of that dreaded day I lost all of them. I've been looking for them ever since. I know they're out there, they have to be! But maybe this is a sign I should give up because they're all dead. No, this is just Monokuma playing games with me! They have to be alive! I continued running towards Kokichi. If I couldn't save them, maybe saving him is my best bet. More and more arrows hit pictures of my sisters. I was so close to making it to Kokichi, but then an arrow went through my arm pinning me to a tree. Another arrow did the same to my other arm. Blood was dripping from my wounds. I looked at all the pictures. I'm sorry I was never able to find you and save you all. I really am the worst big brother aren't I? Also, Kokichi I hope you get out of here alive more than anything else. I felt something stab my chest. I looked down and saw an arrow in the middle of it. Blood started pouring out and my vision started getting blurry. Well maybe I'll finally see them all again! It's been so long and I miss them so much. The regret and guilt stays with me everywhere I go. It'll all finally go away. Don't worry you'll all be seeing your big bro very soon! I drew my last breath. I was dead, but also hopeful. 

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