Chapter 11

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~Shuichi's POV~

I woke up to the morning announcement. It said that we should hurry to the dining hall. Kokichi's eyes suddenly opened. We both got ready and went there.

"Finally you two are here!" Monokuma shouted, "Anyway, I have a new motive for you kiddos! It's the Necronomicon! With this you can bring any dead classmate back to life. So you have to-"

"We'll be taking that!" Yonaga-San exclaimed, snatching it from his paws. "It's the student council's responsibility to make sure no more killings happen at this academy! We are carrying out Atua's will, after all." They all proudly followed Yonaga-San out of the dining hall.

I sighed and sat down with Kokichi. We ate breakfast in silence.

"So, Kokichi what do you want to do today?"

"Well, I asked Kirumi if she'd let us borrow the kitchen and she said only one of us. Sorry, but I'll be baking a little surprise for the time being," he exclaimed.

"It's fine I'll go hang out with Kaito and Maki, I guess."

I walked out of the dining hall.

~Kokichi's POV~

Perfect, everything is running along smoothly! I walked into the kitchen. I took out one of the cook books and tied my hair back. I took off my scarf and put an apron over my outfit.

"Alright let's get to work! This has to be perfect for my beloved," I said, smiling.

I started getting out the ingredients for it. I mix them all together. Also, I made sure to add A TON of sugar!


I finished baking it and took it out of the oven. I checked if it actually cooked. Now off to find Shumai!

I spotted him laying under a tree with a book in the courtyard. Well, I'm still unsure if I should trust him. But my heart starts pounding with every touch! Everything about him is indescribably beautiful. He always makes me feel something amazing and I don't want this all to go away ever! So it's now or never Kokichi! I took a shaky breath and walked over.

"Hey Shuichi, I have something to tell you," I said.

"What is it Kokichi?" he asked, putting his book down.

"Well first I made you these," I said handing him the box of chocolates.

He hesitantly took it.

"Also, I-I love you Shumai!"

His face turned into a tomato immediately.

"I love you too Koki!"

We went in for a blissfully passionate kiss.

We stayed in the moment until someone tapped on Shuichi's shoulder.

"Tenko?" He said turning around.

"I need you to help me with something, Saihara-Kun. Please follow me," She exclaimed.

He nodded. I kissed him on the cheek before he walked away.

~Tenko's POV~

Normally I would never ask a degenerate male for help, but in this situation I have no choice.

"What do you need help with, Tenko?" he asked.

"Well, I need you to talk some sense into Angie. I only joined to protect Himiko, but this brainwashing has gone too far. So please," I pleaded.

He nodded.

"Alright let's go. Where is she?"

"Her lab, and she only lets student council members in."

We walked to her lab together. I knocked on the door.

"Angie, it's me Tenko could you open up?" I asked.

We heard a click then the door opened.

"Tenko and Saihara-Kun, what is it?" She asked.

"Yonaga-San, I think we should discuss everything that you're planning on accomplishing," Saihara-Kun exclaimed.

"Well, it's obvious I'm carrying out Atua's wishes! You two should probably get some sleep, it's almost nighttime."

I guess there's really no way to ever get through to her. Something tells me we never will.

A/N: A little bit of a shorter chapter today!! Also the end of this fanfic will be very soon, so stick around for a few more chapters!! I'm planning on writing a phantom thief au after this one!! That's all thanks for reading!!

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