Chapter One: Interrogation.

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         I groaned as I opened my eyes to the bright lights. I tried to stand up, but quickly realized that I was tied to a chair. What? I thought as my hands struggled against a pair of electric handcuffs, Where am I? I looked around, confused, staring at the metal walls that surrounded me. 

Am I being detained? Was the first thought that entered my mind. The room seemed like a place where an interrogation might happen; there was a metal table several arms length away from me that had several papers on it and a chair behind it. The room was pretty small as well, only a bit larger than an average dining room. As I strained to see what was on the papers, the metal wall in front of me created a small square in the center, and a faerie the size of my head flew in. Fauna-Faeries are known to be used as servants since they are so small. They earned their name because they can turn into whichever animal matches their personality. Now, just because they can turn into said animal doesn't mean they are powerful. Almost all Fauna-Faeries' animals are non-aggressive, and any Fauna-Faerie that can turn into an aggressive animal always mysteriously disappears. 

This Fauna-Faerie seemed young, about eight or nine years old, and she wore a tattered up dress the color of her leaf-shaped wings, which was the color of a cranberry. Her light brown hair was tied up into two pigtails, and she had chocolate brown eyes, one of which had the shape of an x instead of the normal circle shape for her pupil. She landed on the metal table, looked at the papers, then fluttered over to me, stopping an arms-length away in the air. 

"Hi, my name is Doe, and I'll be your personal faerie for this interrogation!" she stated sweetly. 

Oh no, I thought, I was arrested? How could I have been arrested? I don't remember doing anything that would make me get arress-

"I would first like to welcome you to F.E.A.R, your new home!" Doe's voice interrupted my thoughts. "F.E.A.R apologizes for using such theatrics to bring you to HQ, but would like to inform you that you made quite the impression."

Was F.E.A.R the masked men? The thought quickly ran through my head before Doe continued.

"As soon as Agent Jones finishes briefing you on your situation, I'll be helping you for the rest of your life! If I don't die first." Her eyes clouded over for a moment, and then she continued.

"Due to the fact that you have shown past F.E.A.R agents aggression, you'll be staying in the chair until the interrogation finishes. Do you have any questions?"

I blinked, then blurted out, "Yes! So many questions! Firstly, what is F.E.A.R? I don't remember anything about -"

"Oh, right!" Doe face-palmed herself, "I'm so sorry. F.E.A.R would also like to inform you that they used a certain gas to make you pass out that is known to cause memory loss. As soon as the interrogation finishes, I'll take you to the infirmary and see if the doctor can help you. Unfortunately, explaining is not my strong suit. Agent Jones will help you there." 

She scratched at her cheek, where a bruise marred her tan skin. Her left ear, which was a deer ear instead of a human ear, twitched. I sighed, promising myself to help her with her injuries once I got out of this room and into the infirmary.

"No, thank you. Hey, that bruise looks pretty bad. Do you need help with that?" I asked.

Her eyes widened, then she smiled sadly. "No. I'm fine." And with that, she bowed in the air, and flew back to the metal wall. I let myself sag forward in my chair and sigh. Whoever did that is going to get it. I vowed, and I soon got lost in thought dreaming about what I would do to the person who did that to her. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a metal door slide open. I looked up and my gaze landed on a head of flaming red hair. It was wavy and messed up, it looked like the person had just gotten out of bed. The head was turned to the left, giving me a profile view of the person.

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