Chapter Seven: Apologies and Rumors.

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I held my breath as the car door opened and two men in a suit similar to Agent Jones' appeared. 

One of them walked over to the rear end of the car, opened the back seat door, and pulled whoever was sitting there out. The first thing I noticed were the handcuffs that binded their hands behind them, glinting in the sunlight. The second thing I noticed was the messy blinding white hair, hanging just low enough to reach their ears and cover their eyes. They stood up, revealing that they were almost the same height as Agent Jones and a metal mask chained around their mouth. The men in the suits grabbed the person's arms and began to escort them into the building. I wanted to call out to them, to do something, but I was frozen. In a matter of seconds, they were gone.

I tried to speak, but I found no words, my mind too rattled to form them.

Who are they, what did they do, where are they going, why are they handcuffed, why do they have a metal mask... The thoughts that entered my mind stayed there, repeating themselves over and over, taking over my mind.

"Adaria." Someone was gently shaking me, but they sounded so far away. They shook me a bit harder, asking louder, "Adaria, are you okay?"

I flinched, realizing that Agent Jones was the person shaking me. I took a couple steps away from him, folding my arms against my chest defensively.

"Forgive me. I... I lost myself." I told him, blinking rapidly.

I gestured to all of the buildings and asked, "So, which one do we go to first?"

Agent Jones looked at me with pity, as if he were looking at a starved puppy.

"You're not a starved puppy." He said, clearly annoyed with my thoughts. "I'm just worried about you."

I furrowed my brows, a gesture that was becoming quite familiar to me, and pulled the Glass Wall up. I let out a shaky breath, the action taking nearly all of my strength.

"Do not worry about me." I huffed, "Worry about the other students, that throw balls of light at people over conclusions they got to without any sound evidence!"

I angrily walked over to Agent Jones, grabbed his hand in own, and asked once again, "Agent Jones, where do we go first?"


After going to multiple buildings, I acquired my schedule and several other school supplies that we put inside a bag Agent Jones had brought with him. I wouldn't get my satchel for at least another four days, due to the fact that I had to design it, and then they had to make it based on my designs. The satchel I designed was black, with little roses that had both purple and white petals in the bottom left corner. I saw this flower once in the jungle and it never left my memory.

I sighed as I looked at Agent Jones, who carried the bag in his arms. My dorm was just a couple of doors away, and I needed to apologize.

I stopped walking, causing Agent Jones to pause and see what was wrong.

I took a deep breath and told him, "Agent Jones, I am sorry for the way I treated you today. You have been nothing but helpful to me and I yelled at you like you were the one that attacked me. I'm sorry."

Agent Jones smiled at me and shrugged, "Don't worry about it. You've been incredibly calm, considering you were kidnapped, drugged, and beaten up. Besides, I have a surprise for you once we drop these supplies off at your dorm."

He paused, and I gestured with my hands for him to continue.

"You remember Doe, right?"

My hands flew up to my mouth, a flash of the young Fauna-Faerie running through my mind.

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