Read this. (If you want to, I guess.)

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So, as I stated a while back, I stopped writing Amber Eyes because I realized it didn't have a plot. At all. I was a half-baked idea that I tried to make work because I finally had a WattPad account and I wanted a story out there. 

I wanted a story that would make people smile, laugh, cry, and ache with the characters of the story. Because when I was at my lowest, it was stories like those that made me keep going. And I want to be that person for someone. I want to be that author that you immediately go to and check if they updated, that author that makes jokes with the audience, that author that makes you say, "Oh, them? Yeah, they're the best. Their stories really helped me."

That's where Their Kisses and Whispers comes in.

I have refurbished the plot from Amber Eyes, and am continuing the story (sort of) in my new book, Their Kisses and Whispers. There are some minor changes here and there, like new characters and different worlds, but nothing that different. It's still wlw. Well, nblw. So it's still gay. And I really like the new plot and I actually have a plan this time. So, if you liked Amber Eyes, I think you'll really like Their Kisses and Whispers. It's still the same writing style, the same Adaria (again, with some minor changes), and there are new surprises, too! I know I sound desperate, and maybe I am, not gonna lie, but I really love it. I really do. 

Because at the end of the day, if I can make one of you laugh, I've done something good in the world, right?

Great Stars, that got corny. Anyways, it doesn't cost any money to check it out, so when you have time, go! I'll be updating as much as I can, so you won't be left waiting for long.

I really appreciate you guys. Thank you for the support you showed on Amber Eyes, and I hope you'll give Their Kisses and Whispers that same support.

I hope you have a lovely day/night/evening/morning and happy pride month! <3

Her Amber Eyes: The Failure. (Discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now