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-: sixth year :-


. . .

The morning after the disappearance of Mr Crouch, Elodie was dragged out of bed by a whining Fleur, who was complaning about someone being at their dorm's door. 

Elodie had forced herself out of the warmth of her duvet and over to the door, to find Fred and George stood there, wearing matching Gryffindor hats - it would still be rather cold during the spring mornings. 

"Morning love!" Fred beamed, as Elodie rubbed her eyes and stiffled a yawn. "Get ready because you've got a busy day ahead of you." 

"Is there something that's required of me leaving this carriage before breakfast?" Elodie whined. "It's barely even light outside." 

"Of course there is, why would we have come here?" George asked, brandishing an envelope in front of her face. "Now hurry up and get dressed, like your Freddie said, we have a lot to get through today." 

"Alright, come in." Elodie pushed the door open further, much to Fleur's disgust, who pulled her duvet over her head. "You can sit on my bed, keep talking whilst I change."

"I'm not sure I want my brother to see this-" Fred began, but shut up with a smirk when he saw the look he got from the girl at her wardrobe, tugging out some of her uniform and moving to the bathroom. 

"So why are we so busy today? I don't remember talking about anything last night?" Elodie asked, her voice carrying easily into the main room. 

"Your boyfriend was up half the night devising some plan for you - and quills aren't exactly the quietest.. Fred write that down." George said, clearly thinking about something else. 

"Already on it - hey El, is it alright if I used this parchment paper on the desk, it's not got anything written on it?" Fred asked and from where she was getting changed, Elodie could hear him walking across the room. 

"Sure.. there's a pot of ink and quills if you just look in the draw directly below it." She replied, rolling her skirt up a good couple of inches and turning around in the mirror, swearing when she saw a large ladder in the back of her tights. 

"But anyways - oh you're here." George was about to continue as Elodie burst out of the bathroom, rifling through her drawers to find another pair of tights. "Ellie you're a wizard."

"Ok so where's my wand?" She asked, Fred holding it up without looking away from the parchment he was writing stuff down on. "Thank you!" She said, grabbing it off of him and rushing back into the bathroom, using magic to carefully repair her tights, and reappearing in her bedroom after doing her hair and makeup. 

"Reckon I could see you in our uniform sometime?" Fred asked, looking his girlfriend up and down with a sort of wolfish smirk on his face. "Sure, you look great in blue but I daresay red might be made for you."

"We're right here." George said, gesturing between him and Fleur, who was now sat up in bed, looking rather disgruntled. "I'd rather you didn't translate this to her." 

"Fine, fine." Fred rolled his eyes, folding the parchment up and putting it in his pocket. He reached over and took Elodie's coat off of the hanger on the door, handing it to him. "We are off to the Owlery."

"The Owlery?" Elodie asked, her cheeks tinting pink as she thought about what happened last time she was there with Fred.

"Oh Godric - don't tell me. No - I don't want to know." George looked between the two, before getting up and heading towards the door. "Merlin, I'll never think of that place the same again." 

"Come on El." Fred said, as Elodie did the laces up for her boots, tucking her wand into the pocket of her coat and picking up the bag of stuff for the school day. 

"I'll see you at breakfast." She said to Fleur, who nodded and stuck her thumbs up, not saying anything else but yawning.

And so, Elodie was dragged by Fred out of the carriage and into the early dawn, on their way to the Owlery once again. But this time, no funny business would be involved.

George seemed traumatised enough as it is.

this was one of those
chapters that just flowed
it was v satisfying to write
anyways promoting my remus 
and harry books <33
go read besties ily pls <33

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now