˗ˋ 17

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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"Have you opened the egg yet?" George asked Elodie, who was sat at the Ravenclaw breakfast table as usual, a small copy of muggle fairytales in her hands. Fred had peered over her shoulder, intrested - until he saw it was all in French. 

"No not yet, I'm saving it until after Christmas." Elodie said, falling quiet for a few moments, reading the last few lines of her chapter before placing the slip of card with a lavender painted on it, marking her place. "Has Harry opened his?"

Fred and George glanced at each other, then down at Elodie. "It's better if you hear it from him." Fred began, glancing at Fleur. 

"Take her away." Fleur told them, raising her hand in a sort of motion that added to her words. Whilst they didn't understand her French, the hand signal was more than enough. 

And looking slightly offended, Elodie was pulled out of her seat, George taking her bag, plate and book for her, Fred pulling her over to the Gryffindor table, sitting her down at a seat and then sitting on either side of her.

"Hello boys.. and girl." Fred said, Ron, Harry and Hermione staring at the French girl who had been sat in front of them. "I'm sure you all know who Elodie is by now."

"Yeah." Harry nodded, as Ron began to eat slightly slower and avoid all contact with Elodie, and Hermione nodded along with her best friend. "How's your arm?" Harry asked, the group simultaneously glancing down at the still tightly bandaged arm.

 "Oh, it's getting better." Elodie smiled. "Charlie put some balm on it when I saw him and sent Fred and George a tin of it a couple of days ago. I can change my bandages with help from Fleur so it's getting better quickly - the balm really helps." 

"Oh really?" Hermione asked. "You got hurt pretty bad  I wonder if it would work on your cut, Harry."

"I can always lend you some if you need it. Charlie gave me quite a lot, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind me sharing it with you, Harry." Elodie smiled, trying her best not to let the awkwardness she felt seep into the conversation. 

"When did you meet Charlie?" Ron asked, and Elodie explained how Fred and George had taken her down to see him just before he left.

"But that isn't what we were here for." George gently interrupted, and Fred nodded, leaning over the table slightly, not wanting anyone other than those around to here their conversation.

"Harry, can you explain to Ellie what you heard in the egg?" Fred asked, and Hermione frowned.

"Harry are you sure you want to-" Hermione asked, slightly concerned that they shouldn't be sharing information with Elodie - despite her finding out at some point anyways. 

"It's fine, she probably won't have any ideas either." Harry shrugged. "It was this awful screaming - kinda like they were screaming words but you couldn't make out the words." 

Fred and George looking over at Elodie, nodding. "Oh.. I see." Elodie, who had spent a good portion of her life hanging around in a library, quickly began to think about what these screams could be, and how she was to decipher them. "Is there any way you could.. describe the screams?" She asked, and the group around her frowned. 

"Um kinda screeching? An out of tune musical saw? Seamus said it was like a banshee." Harry looked confused, and hearing his name, Seamus turned around - seeing Elodie and promptly turning back around after seeing her smile a little at him, cheeks ablaze. 

"I don't suppose any of you could direct me to the library?" Elodie looked around the group, and Fred and George were about to volunteer themselves when Hermione spoke up. 

"The bell for lessons will go off in a minute, I suggest waiting until lunch." Hermione smiled, and Elodie nodded, quickly eating a few more bites of her fruit salad, before looking to the twins.

"What do we have first?" She asked, Fred and George not looking too excited as they told her that George had herbology and Fred had potions - Elodie was with Fred in this one. 

"Let's go Ellie-smelly." Fred sighed, a smile not even breaking upon the use of Elodie's nickname. The pair got up, Fred picking up Elodie's bag as well as his own, standing still as Elodie opened her bag, putting her book back in. She didn't say much then, but as Harry, Hermione, Ron and George watched them leave, they saw Elodie try to convince Fred to let her hold her own bag. 

"So he definitely likes her, huh?" Harry smirked slightly, glancing at his best friend, who grumbled something. Across them, George nodded.

"Absolutely head over heels for her - and he hasn't even known her two months. He never likes girls like this." George shrugged, before standing up, picking up his own bag. "I just know Snape is going to be more annoyed than ever with him whilst he's drooling over Ellie." 

And with that, the second Weasley twin walked away, leaving the trio wondering exactly how things would turn out - and if Elodie actually knew what could be screaming, because it sure was a mystery to them.


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