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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"You did what?" Elodie had caught up with Fred and George after lunch, not explaining what had happened with her family until afterwards. She did have to experience a rather awkward lunch with them, but it seemed that Fleur felt the tension and had delved into a lengthy conversation with Célia Beaumont about her Yule ball gown. 

Elodie and Alexander had watched as Fleur sprouted utter nonsense, but managed to spin it to sound like the truth. It was a tactic of hers - used it all the time with teachers. Being an accomplished liar was only added to with her veela charm, and without even trying Fleur could have people eating off the palm of her hand, twisted right around her dainty finger.

Which had been twisting her hair around in the most flirtatious manner whenever she caught Bill Weasley glancing over to where she was sat, which coincided with Célia looking down at her plate. 

"I blurted everything out to my mum and I'm half sure I'll be dead by the time we even get to the third task. If she ever finds me." Elodie glanced behind her, looking nervously around at everyone else in the corridor.

"She won't kill you." George replied. "Also does Fleur have a thing for Bill or is that my imagination, because he kept looking over to where you were sat and after Fred's little performance this morning we all know that he's not got something for Elodie."

"He better not." Fred said. "And what act?" He looked completely clueless, despite this act being him very obviously pulling Ellie over to his side. 

"I am pretty sure she does. Did the little hair twisty thing as well." Elodie sighed as they turned the corner. "She was bullshitting to my mum about her Yule dress as well, how she managed to do all that and eat I have no idea."

"So why exactly did you end up telling your mum about your wishes to transfer over here?" Fred asked, and although he was compeltely serious with the question, there was a rather obvious spark of happiness that appeared in his eyes.

Seeing as Elodie had only just figured that she really did want to move to Hogwarts, he hadn't found out until ten or so minutes before. His reaction was muted down, but the Beaumont girl was convinced that she would get a better one after the task.

Which she was incredibly nervous for, and all this just seemed to be playing the perfect role of distraction for her, and she wasn't as worried as the task as she had been the past few days. It seemed to be in the back of her mind, still there but just extremely subtly. 

Despite her new found relaxtion that came with revealling the truth about her intentions with her final year of school to her mother and brother, Elodie's cheeks flared up with a burning pink at Fred's question.

"What?" George asked.

"Was it about me?" Fred asked, somewhat knowingly. Elodie nodded, then shook her head, glancing over at George and not trusting herself to say anything. "Him?" Elodie shook her head, sighing at how dimwitted he could be sometimes.

She hadn't made it the most clear though. "Both of you." She said, and the twins had the same reactions - eyes widening as they glanced at each other. "My mum isn't the fondest of things like pranks."

"What did you say to her? Is that our only redeemingly quality?" George asked, pretending to be offended. 

"Well.. you see," Elodie began, sitting down on a windowsill with a twin either side of her. "The topic of what you were doing after school came up. And well, I was the tiniest bit angry at her asking all the questions and my dad being up at the Ministry rather than coming to see me. Imagine, your dad goes to work when his daughter has almost been killed by a dragon, mermaids and grindylows in the space of a few months. And Merlin knows what I'm facing tonight." 

"A perfectly valid things to be upset about." Fred nodded. "So, what did Célia and Alexander have to say this."

"Alex was on my side, he always is with things like this. Called you entrepeneurs, which made her a little suspicious, then I told her how good you were at it. And then I told her I wanted to move to Hogwarts. It all kind of meshed together.. I should've laid it out properly." Elodie sighed. "Then I pulled the seventeen card, telling her that she couldn't exactly stop me. And hey-" She interrupted herself as she stood up.

"You two better keep this up, I can't - we can't be proving her right when everything fails and you're out of business. You're good at it, so you better keep it up." Elodie said, and with that she stalked down the corridor.

"I think she's just nervous." George leaned forward, peering after her. "You should go after her."

"Oh shit-" Fred jumped up, chasing after her.

They might be the future of the wizarding prank business, but Merlin they were hopeless with everything else.

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora