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-: sixth year :-


. . .

After the dance lessons, the teachers did seem a little bit more relaxed, and many suspected that, like many of the students, the professors of Hogwarts were thinking about Christmas and the Yule Ball. 

Like McGonagall said, it was a time to relax and have fun, and the lessons between then and Christmas seemed to melt away into nothing, literally any student being able to tell you they probably only did one thing in any lessons of they had - and it wasn't even work, it was talk.

Elodie had been under a lot less pressure since then task. She was getting enough sleep, and even had free time now, not even getting homework to do - except from Snape, of course.

Fred's actions during the dance practise had weighed on Elodie's mind for a little while afterwards, making her blush when it appeared in her mind during a daydream, and feel warm when she thought of it as she fell asleep.

One part of her knew it would be stupid to go with anyone other than Fred, considering how much one action had played in her mind, constantly looping like a broken record. 

But the other part of her felt awful for not choosing George. Sure, he was sure to have a date - Angelina or Katie or someone, but she still felt horrible, like it was unfair.

"Elodie." Madame Maxime announced one day, her voice booming across the Great Hall, from the Professors' table to where Elodie was sat opposite to Fred and George. 

Initially, Elodie thought it might be about her uniform - the girl had borrowed a mixture of Angelina, Katie and Alicia's uniform, creating her own version of the Hogwart's uniform, which thankfully didn't involve a hat or a stupidly thin silk dress (far from appropriate for a Scottish winter).

"I'll be right back." Elodie sighed, taking one last bite of her toast before walking over to the teachers' table, ignoring the curious looks she got from the other students. "Yes, Madame?" She asked, wincing as the French Headmistress looked over her uniform, eyes flickering up and down the girl's body. 

But she seemed to get away with it, as Madame Maxime nodded slightly, putting down her enlarged fork and looking down at the girl. "Have you gotten a date for the Yule Ball yet?" The half-giant asked, and Elodie blinked, shocked she wasn't getting in trouble for not wearing her Beauxbaton's uniform.

"Not yet. I'm deciding between two people." Elodie replied, and Madame Maxime nodded knowingly, her eyes flicking over to the Gryffindor table, where she saw the two people in question staring right at them. 

"I see." Madame Maxime winked at Elodie, who flushed red, not used to the woman being so carefree with a student - she supposed being her new 'prized student' had perks. "Well, which ever you choose, please hurry to make your mind up. The ball is right around the corner and I can't have my champion showing up date-less."

"Of course, Madame. I'll have chosen by the end of the day." Elodie replied, not really thinking about what she was saying, but ending up giving herself a deadline. 

"Good good, now go finish your breakfast, or I think your mother would arrive and kill me." Madame Maxiime chuckled, and Elodie laughed along, wondering whether or not Madame Maxime had been in direct contact with her family.

Elodie nodded, quickly moving back down to where she was sat, eating as soon as she got back, quicker this time. "What was that about?" George asked, and Elodie sighed. 

"My date to the ball. Because I'm a champion I have to have a specific someone. And I told her that I would have chosen someone by tonight." Elodie shrugged, staring down at her food.

Opposite her, Fred and George looked at each other, George nodding slightly. "Well, you can go with me. There you go, before the end of breakfast." Fred said, and Elodie's head shot up.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"We knew you wouldn't be able to choose, so we chose for you. And Fleur also said that we need to step up and sort it out because 'Merlin knows when you'll figure it out for yourself' or at least we think it was that, it was a mixture of French and English." George said and Elodie giggled, shaking her head.

"Well I think she's right. I just felt bad for whoever I wouldn't pick." Elodie explained, and the twins nodded, knowingly. "So Fred, huh. I hope you have nice dress robes."

"Don't you worry, Ellie. Me and George have ordered brand new ones especially for this event." Fred replied, a twinkle in his eye and a smirk on his lips. "Nothing I wear will outshine you, thought." 

"Don't be silly." Elodie replied, a blush appearing on her cheeks. They didn't say much else on the matter, just George discussing ways to ask Angelina, and Elodie once again thinking of Fred's action at the practise. 

Fred thinking of how pretty Elodie could look, and how grateful he was that it was him who was going with her and not George, even if that sound bad.

And Elodie had that one final weight off of her shoulders.


𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now