2. Summer Solstice

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Summer Solstice used to be my favourite time of the year. All the food, the music, love and cheer that filled the streets of Moonvalley as humans and inhumans alike flocked the town. Witches were selling their potions and telling fortune, shapeshifters brought rare trinkets from all over the Summerlands, fairies served drinks that sent adults into oblivion making them sing and dance for days and humans would serve their best food as we all gathered by a massive bonfire every night for a week. The mix of cultures from all over the continent was beautiful to see.

But this year was different. As I walked the streets of Moonvalley, I felt none of the joy I used to feel. I couldn't appreciate any of its beauty. And despite finally being old enough to drink some of those magical fairy drinks, I couldn't fathom actually doing so. The World was now dark and grey. All my hopes and dreams, everything I've worked for, the one person I loved so much I was willing to give up everything for them, all of it gone. And the woman who took it from me? She now stood on the podium next to the very man whose face haunted me in my dreams. She was smiling on the crowd, enjoying her newly found popularity. She was the perfect kid. You know the grey mouse nobody noticed until suddenly the top guy in school falls head over heels for her and her nonexistent personality.

I wonder if she also did the whole play on being hard to get or if she was just her usual useless old self and gave Colin ever so innocent smile the day their bond snapped in place, as he was picking her up all bruised from the floor, because she was clumsy. She was a wolf for Gods' sake! Is this how far we've fallen? The largest pack in the Summerlands and it's Luna can't even walk down the stairs without planting her face on the ground below. It was ridiculous. And the fact Colin couldn't see it even more so. Yes, they were mates, but she was unfit to lead. He didn't have to act on that bond. He should have been smarter.

But no, she was the angel. With her, he was suddenly loyal, kind and caring in ways like I've never seen him towards me before. She made him realize he was being a dick, or so he claimed now. Hurt, anger and sadness flooded my veins, making me physically hurt. And before I could torture myself with more questions on what I did so wrong, I rather turned away and walked towards my favourite table on the town's square. It was occupied, but I didn't care. I lost the one person I loved the most, so I deserved to at least have that stupid table. Stopping behind a couple making out on the bench, I growled, fully intending on startling them.

"Move," I hissed angrily, waiting for them to move. A few weeks ago they would disappear in a second. No challenging looks, no snarky response. In fact, I wouldn't really even have to ask. I was invited to every table. Every party. I was their future Luna back then. But things began to change. Being sweet no longer got me anywhere. I was unimportant now. A dirt on the bottom of their shoes. The girl everyone saw naked. So they didn't move. In fact, not only they didn't move, but the next thing I knew, I was soaking wet and the sickly sweet smell of lemonade invaded my nostrils. Lana now stood there facing me, an empty cup in her hand and an angry look on her face.

"No. You don't get to command us around anymore. Learn your place, bitch. Nobody cares for your mood swings," she snapped back at me and sat back down, right into the arms of her mate. She watched me and waited for my reaction as the crowd now gathered around us, laughing at my predicament. I stood there, trying to get the sticky fabric off my skin as I heard some people snapping pictures while others were giving Lana high five. I could practically feel the resentment they felt towards me and all I could think of was running home straight into the shower and crying my eyes out. But I couldn't do that. I was humiliated enough. I needed to stand up for myself.

"You-" I stared at Lana, anger boiling within me so hot there was no checking my temper. I felt my canines extend as I raised my hand to slap her. How dare she?!

"Stop!" A squeal more than anything else sounded behind me. Lilian. I turned around to face her only to realize she now held my hand mid-air. She was surprisingly fast. But not strong enough. I quickly pried my arm from her grasp, making her stumble a few steps backwards as I could slowly feel the control over my body slipping away. My temper has always been my issue. It became even worse when I first shifted. Dad tried to teach me how to calm down to prevent uncontrollable shifting but so far it yielded little to no results. I was going to shift. Which meant I had to leave. Shifting right in front of Lilian in the middle of this crowd wouldn't be good. I couldn't afford such mistake.

"I know you're upset with me, Noyla. But please, let's talk about this," Lilian pleaded with me, blissfully unaware of the howling wolf inside of me, ready to claw its way out on the surface. Behind her, Colin watched his mate, a smile on his lips, a mix of love and pride in his eyes. He was proud of her for standing up to me. And somehow, that was the last straw. My breaking point. Any hopes of controlling myself were gone with her words, with the way he looked at her.

"NOYLA!" I heard Olivia's horrified scream in the background but it was too late. My clothes were now lying on the ground, torn into pieces as I stood proud and angry in my wolf form, snarling at the girl in front of me. The World stopped as I stared at Lilian who was now slowly backing away, her knees visibly shaking, nothing but fear on her features. I heard my name being called, but I couldn't turn away from the target I was set upon. All the reason left me. Attack was all I could think of as the scent of Lilian's fear hit me and I lunged myself on her just as she tripped and fell on her backside. My teeth sunk into her flesh and her blood curdling scream tore the air around us.

Next thing I heard was a thunderous growl as a brown ball of fur slammed into me, showing me several feet to the side. I stumbled as I tried to regain my footing and then turned around to face another wolf. Colin. He was slightly bigger than me, his fur significantly darker than mine, his eyes black with rage. He growled at me with all the menace he could muster, trying to force me to submit. He was the future alpha. We had to submit to him. That was the rule. But I was done with their stupid rules. With all this bullshit. He was supposed to be on my side, not hers. And so I growled back. And with all my built up pain and anger, I got ready to lunge at him, ignoring all the screams around us, all the gasps and pleas and cries. I didn't care what would come after. My life no longer made sense anyway. And so I pushed off the ground, aiming for Colin's neck. And then the World went dark.


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