26. The Outcasts

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"So, are you ever going to ask what exactly is your purpose in this group?" Connor broke the silence of our breakfast unexpectedly, causing everyone to look at me.

"I thought I was supposed to be a thief," I replied, a sudden feeling of uneasiness and almost panic taking over me. Connor and I rarely interacted much. He mostly kept to himself, but he sure had a way to put me on the spot whenever we did talk.

"And you were never going to wonder why do we even need a thief to begin with?" he carried on, raising an eyebrow at me. This earned him three sets of hard stares from Lucia, Devan and Nolan, who was leaning against the wall with me sitting between his legs, finding comfort in his presence around me ever since our little make out session during training about a week ago. There was nothing official said about this new arrangement and nobody really asked either. His arm was now firmly around my waist, a reminder that I didn't need to panic anytime one of them asks me a question. That I won't just get kicked out if I annoy them.

"I figured you'd tell me when you need me to know," I said, trying to sound as casual as possible, but it wasn't easy under the twins' curious gaze. It's been over a month since Aaron and Az returned from wherever it was they went and I was still struggling to get comfortable in their presence. They were only ever around for meals and at night, which made any attempts at some sort of bonding much harder. They also rarely ever spoke. In fact, I couldn't recall hearing Az talking once in the whole time I've known him. Neither of them were hostile towards me though. Aaron would often offer a reassuring smile whenever I seemed to panic, like right now. Az on the other hand seemed to always know when I needed help, like when he handed me the sugar on the first day or when he held the ladder steady after I accidentally moved it by misjudging my strength and nearly fell off. Still, there was something I couldn't quite put my finger on when it came to the two brothers. Maybe it was the way they carried themselves. I just didn't know.

"Girl, you're hopeless," Connor chuckled, earning a pointed look from Demi. "What? I get that she didn't exactly have many alternatives, but shouldn't she at least know what she got herself into?" he shrugged and I just looked down, my fingers toying with the fur carpet I was sitting on. Demi didn't respond and neither did anyone else. For once, the silence that took over the room was uncomfortable to everyone and not just me. I should know what I got myself into, I knew that. But that didn't exactly mean I wanted to know. Especially not now. Not when I finally began trusting them. Not when Nolan was here, holding me close.

I spent the past three months living in the blissful bubble of not knowing. Maybe I should have asked. Maybe I should have been more careful before getting attached. But would it really change anything? When Devan brought me here all those months ago, I was as good as dead. I had nobody to come and save me from the literal gutters of this town. The only other person I have known in this dark and cold place sold me out for a new blanket. I didn't even know her name. I was either going to die or do whatever needed to be done to survive. And as surprising as it was to me, I didn't want to just give up and die. Even if it would have been so much easier. My parents, Sheyla and Olivia, they didn't go through the public shame of a trial with me, I didn't cross the Wastes and then ate dead rats for weeks only to die. Whatever was now ahead couldn't be worse, than that, right?

"Tell me then," I said, looking at Demi, searching for courage I didn't really have as I used it all up just to say that one sentence. There was no way I was going to push it further if they didn't elaborate. Not tonight anyway. Not for as long as I could get away with it. Because the idea of just us eight friends, living in this house, making the best of the little we had while playing snowball fights on the rare daylight afternoons was something I was perfectly content with.

"You probably already realized that Duskfall isn't exactly heaven on Earth," Nolan said and I leaned back into him and turned my head up to look at him, saying nothing. "What you likely don't know yet is that this place is actually home to the biggest black market on this side of the World at least. And that's essentially the reason we live here to begin with," he continued. I swallowed hard. Of course of all the places I could possibly find myself at, this is the one I would end up in. I had to laugh. I don't think any of them expected that reaction, certainly not Nolan, who seemed very concerned to hear me burst out like that, but I just couldn't help it.

"Sorry, it's just the irony. Carry on please," I said when I calmed down a little, looking around to see if any of them felt like adding onto what was already said.

"Anyway, because this is black market, it also means a lot of people come here with pockets full of rare, expensive and generally forbidden objects. That's where we come in. If the objects make it to the market itself, they are up for grabs. The highest bidder gets them and the auction can be merciless. Deadly even. So, sometimes if there is a particular object of interest coming to town, one of our... clients so to speak, reaches out and has us... acquire it before it can reach the auction. They pay us to get them the object and keep their names off any records. And of course for the object itself," Nolan carried on explaining.

"So, if I'm to be your thief, what do the rest of you do?" I asked after a few moments of silence in which they waited for my response.

"Different stuff. Demi and Devan are the spies. They find where the object is, find out what they can about its current owner and give you the info you need to get it. Lucia and I are a distraction. It's up to us to make sure you aren't noticed or suspected. Especially if bigger crowds are involved. Aaron and Az are our point of contact with our clients. They get the assignments, deliver the stolen goods and collect the money by any means necessary," he replied. Any means necessary. I didn't even want to think about that. The less I knew, the better.

"So what about Connor?" I looked at the man in question. He was still observing me, his expression hard to read. There was an amusement there, but also curiosity and even something akin to worry.

"I'm a thief, just like you," Connor told me. "As you probably noticed by now, we work in pairs. That way we always have someone to cover our ass if things go south," he explained. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. Any of it, but especially the part I was to play in all this. And the fact that Connor was my partner to be on these missions. It made sense. Him and I seemed like the best types for that kind of a job. We weren't as bulky so to speak, so we could crawl through smaller spaces. At least compared to the rest of the group. We could hide easier. This also somewhat explained why Connor was the only one without visible battle scars on his face. He worked in the shadows. By the time people realized what he had done, he was likely already long gone.

"Which coincidentally also means that you and I will have to start another part of your training soon, because girl, I got a lot to teach ya," Connor winked at me.


Freya and Connor in one team? How do you think that will go?

Also, once again if you are reading this story, any votes/comments will be greatly appreciated. This is my first english written story and I will take any feedback I can. It will hopefully also help my story to get noticed by others. So please comment, vote and share if you can. You'll have my gratitude.


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