12. Freya

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I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm. Any attempts on turning that thing off were futile as I simply couldn't locate the stupid button while half conscious. I felt so exhausted I just wanted to sleep the whole day. But it was Monday and if I missed another day of school, my grades would be threatened and I couldn't afford that. I was the future Luna. I had to lead by example. So, I reluctantly rolled off the bed and headed for my closet, trying to figure out what to wear today.

"Morning sweetie," I heard my mom before I saw her as I walked down the stairs and to the living room. She was making pancakes in the adjoined kitchen and the whole house smelled delicious thanks to it.

"Hi mom," I replied as I sat down next to my dad, checking my phone for texts from Olivia and Sheyla.

"Morning dad," I kissed his cheek and carried on scrolling. He gave me a smile in response.

"Food is ready!" Mom called from the kitchen and I ran to grab a portion. We ate together in relative silence before I checked the clock only to realize I was late.

"Shoot! I have to go, I'm late!" I said and quickly started to pick up my stuff and put my shoes on.

"Wait, Noyla!" Mom called behind me.

"Yes?" I asked, surprised at the desperation in her voice.

"Please don't go," she whispered, sadness that broke my heart in her voice. "Please stay a little longer," she begged.

"Mom, I can't miss school," I replied as I walked over to her to hug her. She sobbed into my shoulder, silently repeating for me to stay. I didn't know what to say. There was a feeling of strange longing in my chest. I couldn't really put my finger on what it was. There was sorrow and heartbreak. Fear and desperation. But why?

"Mommy, I really have to leave," I whispered into her ear and she very reluctantly let me go. I gave her one last look and I felt tears running down my cheeks as I grabbed the handle and opened the door and then... I opened my eyes.

"She's awake!" Someone exclaimed nearby as I was practically choking on my tears, trying my hardest not to call out to my mom, wishing I wasn't insisting on leaving her. Maybe if I stayed there, with them, the dream would never end. I was back home. I was with them. I could hear their voices, taste mom's food, see their smiles.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay," a female voice whispered in my ear while gently stroking my shoulder. "Here, have a drink, you must be parched," she carried on, bringing a cup with water to my mouth. Too confused and distraught to resist, I obeyed. The moment fresh water hit my tongue, I nearly moaned with pleasure and began to gulp down the contents of the cup until not a drop was left.

"Get her some more," the female commanded, taking the cup from me and handing it to one of the men in the room. He wordlessly took the cup and disappeared. I was sitting up now, taking in my new surroundings. I was in a house as far as I could tell by the setting. Walls and floors were covered in various furs, there was a lit fireplace by the wall across from me, two windows each to one of my sides, the moon shining through them illuminating the dark corners of the dimly lit room I was in. I was sitting on what seemed to be a couch, covered in some more fur. And in front of me stood four people. Two women and two men, including the one who brought me here. They were towering over me, all their eyes on me as the fifth person, a third man in the party returned and handed me another cup of water.

I hesitantly accepted and realized that my hand was surprisingly clean. I looked down on myself only to find myself dressed head to toe in black. It wasn't fancy. Just a sweater, what felt like very warm leggings and cozy socks. I must have looked really confused, but inside I wanted to cry from an unknown emotion. I was clean. I had clean clothes.

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