⚡Futuretallica ❤ (P.2)

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"L-Lars? Where are you...?" Kirk opened his eyes, full of fear, trying to find his love Lars. It was all dark, he didn't knew where he was at all. All he could remember was just this evil hacker Jason Newsted taking him away with Lars and go to the teleporter. This place looked so unknown. Suddenly he heard a response.

"Kirk? Where are you I need you, I'm scared..."

Kirk reacted quick and turned around, but didn't see anything, "Lars!? Is that you?" He tried to follow the sound.

"Help Kirk, please, help me baby" The words kept repeating, and Kirk kept following the noise, he could feel the warmth when getting closer.

"Lars...?-" Kirk touched him.


 It wasn't Lars at all.

"Hello Kirk" His voice started changing way differently from Lars and a red light from his glasses started to fade in and getting brighter. 


 Kirk ran, but there was no exit in sight. He kept running, it felt endless, but Jason just stood there, no movement, and glitching a lot. But did something unexpecting very soon. He started to do some weird movement with his hands, creating some power. Jason kneeled down on his one knee, raised his hands toward Kirk, and zoom!

"Ah!" Kirk gasped until he felt something and fell to the floor, something was pulling him back. He looked back, a neon glowing electric string was tied around his foot, and Jason started pulling it without even touching, his Powerful Orb of Hacks between his hands was pulling him.  

Kirk tried to hold on to the floor but it was no use, his hack power was too strong.  

"Stop it!" He cried, wiggling his leg trying to get the string loose. "Where's Lars!?"

Jason smirked, and grabbed Kirk's leg, lifting him upside down. "Lars is somewhere else. Do you really need him?" 

"Yes!" Kirk nodded with fear. "Of course I do... He's the love of my life..."

Jason stared, then slowly started to laugh.

"Um what's so funny about that?" Kirk was so confused. 

"Hahaha you bastard, you won't see him for some time" Jason drops him to the ground and Kirk hissed like a cat. "Oh chill there buddy, no need to be that aggressive" Jason laughed, and for some reason he got interested in Kirk's personality. He got out his tablet, snatching Kirk's hand and forcing his fingertip on the scan. 

It loaded some results of Kirk's personality. 

"What are you doing...?" Kirk questioned, while trying to make Jason let go of his hand. 

"Interest in horror, that's nice- Oh you play guitar and listen to metal as well? Same dude!" Jason got all excited but then he saw something strange. "Huh, you aren't just fully human, you are also half animal" He scrolled through. "You can turn in to any mammal, bird, or reptile..."  

Kirk froze. He got pissed and was so disappointed for someone revealing his secret that he never ever wanted to share. "What about it...? Why is it so important to you? Smh" 

Jason looked at him. "...Why don't you change into an animal now?"

"It's embarrassing..." Kirk sighed but got serious again. "But answer me, why did you kidnap us? Where is Lars!?"

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