Soccer ❤

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I got this idea when I was playing FIFA 20 with my brother so enjoy. Also soccer, tennis, and skiing are my favorite sports 😔👌 What's yours?


It was a sunny day and it was a good time to get outside. Lars invited Kirk to play soccer with him.

"Uh- what happened to tennis?" Kirk asked while getting his cleats on that Lars afforded him. "Oh, I want to try something new y'know" He got all excited. "Come on let's go to that goal net!" Lars grabbed his soccer ball and grabbed Kirk's hand, he didn't even tied his cleats yet. 

They went on a big field and they were all alone. It was peaceful, no one bothered them. "Do you want to try to be a goalkeeper?" Lars asked Kirk while stretching. "Uhh suree~" Kirk went by the goal net and started getting nervous. "Get ready I'll soon kick the ball" Lars placed the ball on the penalty spot. "That's kind of too close-" Kirk started getting scared. "Please don't kick hard" Lars chucked. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you" He took a deep breathe and backed up a bit. "It's our 1st time playing together, I'll probably miss though." Lars looked at Kirk and he was moving from side to side. He kicked the ball and it went high up in the air. "How did I-" "Dude I said not hard" Kirk rolled his eyes and ran to get the ball. "It's my turn now, though I'll try to kick it from a farther place" Kirk went farther from the goal net and Lars was a goalkeeper. "Watch me" Kirk kicked the ball and Lars got scared a bit and didn't block it and it was a goal. "You actually did it Kirk- Good job!" Lars was shocked. Kirk got so happy he did an amazing cartwheel. Lars laughed and they started joking around. 

They chased each other with the ball and tried to score a goal and they would always shoot random places and laugh a lot. When Lars was getting chased, he started getting a cramp and started slowing down and Kirk really needed a break as well. They laid down on the grass by each other and looked at the sky covering their eyes, so the brightness won't blind them. They were still laughing for a bit and calmed down. "Man I'm having a lot of fun with you, I'm glad you came" Lars looked at Kirk and smiled. "Of course Lars, I'll always be with you anywhere" They started blushing and slowly held hands. 

"I really want water, do you have a water bottle or something to drink?" Kirk asked and started to get dehydrated a bit. Lars opened his eyes wide and realized he never took anything to drink. "Oh fock, you know let's go to a store nearby quick I think I got my money. Let me take the soccer ball and we can get something to drink" Lars stood up and picked up Kirk, he was struggling to get up, and he ran to get the ball and checked his bag to see if he has any money. "I only got 5 dollars I think that's going to be alright" Lars looked at Kirk and he was breathing hard. "Don't faint alright? I'm sorry that I forgot to bring water-" Lars started worrying. "No no, it's alright Lars" Kirk giggled. 

3 minutes later, they went to a little store and got two water bottles for 2 dollars each, and went outside again to sit at a bench to chill. Kirk opened his water bottle and drank half of it in 3 seconds. "Damn you were really thirsty" Lars took a sip. "Yeah, I'm okay now" Kirk giggled cutely. "Aah, you are so adorable" Lars smiled so much and placed his hand of Kirk's cheek and gave a quick kiss. They froze and blushed a lot. They couldn't stop looking at each other. "I love you so much Kirk" Lars looked at him in his beautiful eyes. "I love you too Lars, more then anything in the universe" They giggled and kissed again. 

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